Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3 7 e 4 Expe f aion upon theBook of J O s. Verf. 22. the praife- worthmefs of God, and nrelf th this duty upon us. I fliai! not flay upon i, only remembe', with the Lord is praife, that is, he is to be pra.ifed. And from the attribute of his praii ,or that, with the Lordis terrible praife, Note Secondly Even in thole things which the Lorddoth moligracioufdy for us, and is robe highly praijed by su (even in thole_) he is to befeared} dreaded, and reverenced, God is to be prailed,not only with joy and thankfullnefs, but with fear and reverence ; for with him as terrible praife. It is the exprefs word of Mofes, is his long after the defirucion of the E- gyptians in the Red Sea (E.tod. a 5. t i .) t' a God like unto theò,gloriotu in holines,fearful inpraifes ? We (hould not be aflraid to praife God, no,we (hould be moll forward topraife him, but we Ihould have a holy fear upon our hearts, whenwe praife hitrt. Prai)colgthe work of heaven, fromwhence fear (ball for ever be banii wr4 ; there will beperfel love, andperfea love Cafis outfear, ( a leb. 4. 18. ) What-ever fear bath torment in it ( as all fear out of Chril bath) we (hall have nothing todo with in that blef- fed life : And even in this life, praife, which is the work of hea- ven on earth, (hould be performed with Inch a fpirit of love,& joy as is without all bale, tormenting fear ; we (hould have fo much love to God in, and for all the good things he doth, for our foules efpecially, ye and for our bodyes too, in dealing out daily mer- cies,that it (hould call out all that fearwhich bath torment in it. Yet there is a fear which fhould poffefs our fpirits while we are praifingGod,a fear of reverence I mean,which fear (I doubt not) will remaine in heaven for ever ; Glorified Saints fhail praife Godwith that fear, that is, having an everla(ling awe of the Ma jetty of God upon their hearts. He isfearful inprat fes ; and there- fore let us fo praife him, as remembering our diflance, fo praife him, as to be affraid ofrnifcarrying in the duty, and fo inflead of prai(ing,difpleafe him,in (lead of honouring, grieve him. This du- tyof praife isvery dreadful. The Pfalonifl faith, there is mercy, or forgivenefe, with thee,OLord, that thou mayf# be feared (Pfal. 13o. 4.)Not only is the Lord to be feared in his wrath,and in the exe- I i i i z actions 6t1