Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

612 Verf. 22. eAn ExpofLion upon tke Look_ of J o B. Chap. 37. curions of his juf+ice, but he is to be feared in his mercy,& in that greater+ extrefiion of his favour towards us, the forgivnefs of our tins. When we are in the higher+ exaltations of the mercy of God, and ofthe God ofour csiercies,yet then fhould our hearts be affeet- ed with hisfear. It is both our duty and our commendation fo co fear God, as not to fin again{+ him, or to be kept from finning a- gainft Godby the fear of God , that is, le[+ God fhouldpunith us for our fins, and give us to eat the bitter fruit of our ownevil doings: But to fear God, becaufe we hear, and are affured, that he is ready to pardonour fins, efpecially, to fear him when he bath given us acomfortable aíìarance, thatour fins are pardoned ;, or,, even then to be filled with the fear of hisgreat and reverend Nacne,when we are actually praifing him,and magnifying his free grace in Chrift,for the pardonof them ; this fhewes a truly grati- ous fpirit indeed. With God is terrible Majeliy,akd withGod is ter- rible,prafe ; he is at once to be praifed and feared. All this Elihbs would fixupon the heart of job, from the confideracion of the works of God, his providencial works, in the Air; how much more fhottld this fear affe&us,when we behold his tertibl forks ofprovidence upon the Earth ?turning the world, as it wél sup fide down, by the wonderful viciflicudes and revolutions which his hand brings to pafs, refpedtingeither Perfonsand privateFa- milyes, or whole Kingdomes and Nations. Frith God is terrible:- q../14;v%iy,. T O B,.