Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

614 Verf. 23. an E,tpof tion upon the Book of J ose Chap. 3,7-t tnent in thedole of the verfe, why all men, the greatenof men, the wiïeii of men ihould fear God, For he refpcacth n)t any that are wife in heart. The wife(+, the greater+of men cannot carry it with God, by their wifdonn or policy, by their gcea.nefs or power, therefore let them fear him. This is the fïm and fco?e of thefe two verfes. Vert. 2 3, Touching the almighty, we cannot find him out. That is, He is unfearchabfe and' incomprehenfible. The Ori- ginal trioily read, ir, The Almighty, we cannot find him out. The 11f,D Almighty, is a Nominative abfolute, as Grammarians fpeak ; we O:nnzpotenr fupply that word ( Touching) As if he had laid, (hould we en- namit4,6pvur ter upon a diicourfe of the Almighty, we cannot find him our. mhfcintèpofrrur ter n yq Pifc. Touching the Almighty.Thar-,God is Almighty,and what the word Shaddai, here rendred Almighty, dorh imporr, bath been fhewed and opened already in other places of this Book, efpecially in the fifth Chapter at the 17thverle, and in the eighth Chapter at the 3d and 5th verfes ; thither I refer the Reader for further fa- tisfaClion in that matter, and pals from it here ; Touching the Almighty We cannot find himout. This alío I (hall pals over in a word, having fpoken to it more fully ( Chap. r r. 7.) where Zophar puts this Qeflion, Can.fl thou by fearching find out God ? Canfl thou find him out unto per fef ion ? In which ueflions, Zophar challenged Jed, or any man elfe, to let their underRandings upon the renters, to put all their abilities ro the utmofl Rrerch, to find out God if they could, be- ing affured they could not find him out unto perfe&ion. So then, this aiáertion in the Text, we cannotfindhim out, bearing the fame fence with chofe Qaeflions, I thall not Rayupon ir, Only, Note ; God cannot be conspa.£'t by theenquiries ofman. Touching the Almighty,wehave but this to fay of hitn,144 cannot Jay much of btm,or,bow much foevernic fay ofhim,irefay but a little: of what he le, or ofwhat maybefaidof him, for we cannot findhim- out. We may find God, but we cannot find himout. God is to be