616 Vert 23. an ExpofLion upon the Book, of j o B. Chap. 37, power, as Chrifi toldhis difciples in the firìl of the e41ls (verf. 6.) when they would needs beprying into loaf ft°cret of his can- cel, the time.of refloring the kingdom to lfrael. There are many councels of God lockt up in, his own bofona, which we cannot find out, nor mua we be bold and curious in fearchiug into them. Fourthly, The Lord cannot be found our,no not in his works of Providence,which are a&edoutwardly,or bywh ch k b. in s forth hiscouncels toaft ('iPfal.77.i 9.) Hisfoot fie'', are no known; not only are nor any of his fecret councelsknown,but foire: r . his very foot-fieps,histreadings,his goingsare not fully kn{r, u.6od goeth fo that .we cannót find where heegoeth, he leaves no trwk (as we fay) behind him ( Rom. i i. 33.) How unfea.'cbaabl, ar; ht j :,dg- mants(notonlyhiscouncels, but, how unfearch.blr are bu UJa ments) and his ways pallfinding out. That's the very exprei;ï of the text. There are many providences of God, whicn we and feel, which we fee, and cannot but fee, yet we cannot. find therms out, that is, we are not able to give a dire&'anfwter why God doth this or that, nor how this or that was done. Confider that Scripture (2Chron. 3 i. 2o, 2 i.) where we have a moft kni ular chara&er of Hezekiah,and of his government ; Thus did Flezcki- ah throughout all fudah, and wrought that which was good, and right, and truth, before the Lord his God ; and in every w.rkthat he, began in the ferviceof the houfe of Clod, he did it with all lois heart, andprofpered. So the 3 ith chapter concludes ; yet the 3 ad be- gins thus, After thefe things, and the eflablifhment thereof, Senna- cherib King of Afria came and entred into fudah,and encamped a- gainfl the fencedCities. One would have thought, Hezekiah be- ing thus zealous for dieReformation of the Church of God, in 5udah and ernfalem, and having doneall that concerned it with a perfe& heart,that Purely fuch a Prince fhould have lived in peace and p-ofpered all his dayes ; yer, prefently his I{ingdome was invaded by a potent enemy , Sennacherib comes againfi him,and fills him, and all his people, with fear of utter fubverfion. This was a fecret of providence, very hard to findout, a depth, which who can fatbome ? That when a good King with his Counfel, had been endeavouring a true Reformation, and that with a perfe& heart, he (hould prefently feewar at his gates. Solomon faith (Pro. a 6. 7.) when a mans ways Neale the Lord,he makes his enemies to be