Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap, 37. e / 1nExpotion upon the Book of J o B, '-Verl, 2 3 . 6 t 7 be at peace with him Yet it was nolooner Paid of King Hezekiah that his wages pleated the Lo d,but thevery next paragraph cf his Chronicle reports an enemy making v ar upen him. Fifthly, Take this allo ;We cannot find out God in the dif penfations of his Free Grace in the Gofpel ; thereare fuel) mazes, iúchmyfieriesof love,andgoodnefs,and kindnefs in JefusChriff, as (though it be our duty tobe fearching after them, and in then:, all our dayes , though we ought to be continually digging in thofe goldenMines to findout the treanares hidden there, yet) we can never find them out. Therefore the Apoflle (Ephef, 3, 8 ) calls them,The unfearchable riches of Chrifíz ; nor, unfearéhable,becaufe it is unlawful to fearchafter them ,but,ttrfearchable,becaufe when the have fearched to the uttrofi we cannot find them out ; as he (peaks in the dote of that chapter ; that we may be able to compre- hend with all Saints, the height and depth, and lergoIo,and breadth, and to know the love of Chriff that paßeth k aowledge, Under all there confederations (and many, manymore) God is paff finding out. Whence take three brief Inferences. Firfi, Da notfearch too far (that is,beyond what is written) in- to the coaanfeis ofGod, no nor ir.ta the works ofGod. For though, as it is Paid (Pfal. i r t . 2.) the works ofgod aregreat, fought out by all them that havepleafure thereon yet they that have the greatefk pleafure in them, cannot in all points findthem our It isour duty to fearch theworks of God,-but to think we can find out the bot- tom of his works would be our fin. Secondly, If the Almighty cannot be found out, no not in his works of providence, then, Take heed of cenforingor findingfault with his works. Shall we cenfure what we cannot know, and find fault with that which we cannot find ? He that confureswhat ano- ther doth, fhould firfl have thefull compafs of what he Both, and beable to look quire thorow it,which the mofi eagle -eyed foulin theworld cannot,., as towhat God doth in this world. And there- fore though you fee no reafon for avhar is don,do not complain, fr,r theremay be a reafon for the doing of ir,whk h youdo not fee; and the reafon is often loch, and lye.; to deep, that youcannot fee ic. Andknow this is reafon enough,why you fhouid forbear cenfuring whit is done, becaufe God Both ir, though you can give no o:her reafon why ir is done. Thirdly, I fGod he pa f f f inding out in his a or fir, and r,te, Ji more Kkkk in