Chap. 3 ,7, eÁn Expoftion upon the Book of J rt a, Verf, z ;, Note ; , The work ng power of Gad is excellent, jì excellent that it ex- ceeds theapprebenf\Gr ofman, There is a two -fold power of God , and in both he is exc'el- lenr. Firt1, His commanding power, his peer of Soveraignty, or Authority ; that's a moll excellent power, 'tis a power ever alt, whether'things or perfons. Secondly, His power of working or effe'ing that which he commands. Some have a power of commanding, yet want a pow- erof working, they want apower to effeti that which they com- mand : but whatfoever God bath a mind co command,he hath an hand to effeo}andbring it about ; hecan carry on his Work through all the difficulties and deficiencies which it meets with in or by the creature ; He can do his wo:k though there be none to help him in ir, though all forfake him, and with-draw frcm his work ; yea, he often worketh though there be not Co much as an Inter- celi r to move him to work (Ifa. Sg: 16.) Helaw that there was no man(todoany thing ) and wondered that there was no Inter- çeff'or to entreat him to-do fomewhar for them. Things were in agreat exigencyy and' there Was nor only no rnan that would put forth a hand, but there was no man that would bellow a word for redrefs , no man would befpeak either God or . men for help: What then ? mua the work (land (lilt ormifcarry ? no, faith the text, His own armbrought falvation unto'him , that is, fet ir ready at hand for him to bellow upon his people;or,his own arm brought that falvation to his people, which they ;really needed, and he gracioufly intended , though he had not the contribution of a word t©wards,ir from guy creaturehere below, one or other. God alone is felf-fufficient, and roman All- fofficienr:,Such is the working power of God, that he can work, not only when he hath but a littlehelp, but whenhe bath no help ar all. Secondly, The excellency of the wo' king power of God ap- peárs in this, that he can and will p oduce me delired eff Et, and bring his work tó pats, though many , though all men oppofe it and rife up againft it, though they let bath heart and hánd, it and will, power and pollicy, to crofs, yea to crush ir. The Lord is fo excellent in power, that he both can and will do his work through Kkkk 2 :.4l 6 t9