Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 35. s4nExpofition uponthe Book of Jos, Verf. to our felves, for there is a promife of reward to thofe who mini- ver the lea(: charities to fuch as deferve the greaten charity, though ufually they find the léaf}, ( Math, to. 4a.) Wb foever fball give to drink,unto oneofthefe tittle ones, a cup ofcold water on- ly( lnd how cold is their charity who will not give that !) in the nameof a dífciple, (hall inno-wife lofe Lis reward; that is, he (gall furely have ir. Thus we fee how profit and advantage, even great profit and advantage comes by Righteoufnefs;yet take heed of thinking that your Righteoufnefs deferves any the leaft profit . at the hand of God. Though we preis you to Righteoufnefs as profitable, yet it becomes you to fay, we are unprofitablefervants,, and therefore cannot challengeany profit as our due,how righte- ous foever we are. It doh not at all follow , becaufe we affirme Righteoufnefs will profit us , that therefore Righteoufnefs cart jullife us, or that, becaufe it is profitable ro us, therefore it can fave us. All our righteoufreffes are but as °afilthy garment, faith the Prophet, and therefore unprofitable for this thing. The Apofile counted allthings lofs (not gain ) dung ( not prOt ) that be mightwin Chri.í , and be found in him , not having his Own Righteoufnefs, (Phil. 3.8, 9. )Righteoufnefs is profitable, if you keep it in its proper place, and appl-y it to its proper ufe ; it is profitable to what God bath appointed it ; he helps is to work Righteoufnefs, and then rewards us for our righteous working': God is not unrighteous to forget our work and labour of love,. (Heb. 6. to.) Let us be found in our duty, and then in due time and place we (hall find our profit.Our experience will teach us-at laft, that while we have been doing good to others, we have done good to our (elves ; Righteoufnefs is profitable unto all things, and to all men,as well to thofe who doit,as to thofe for whom it is done. 53 JmBp