620 -Verf. 23. &if,: L.1Ç^iFtiór ptpon the d00%of.3 o E. Chap. 37 all opposition; though mountains hand in his way, though rocks hand an his way, he will remove them, or work through them. (Ifa.43.13.) 1 avail ork, and Who fkall lett it t Neither flrength nor craft, neither multitude no magnitude, neither the manynor the mighty can lett it,if the Lord undertake it. Take a doubleTn- ference from this. Firfl, ' f is matter of great comfort to all that fearGod_ in their weakeft condition and ìowefl; reducements , when they are fa- therlefs,and have none to help then. As the Lord is excellent in his working power, fo he ufually 'takes that tine, yea hayes that time, till his fervants are under the greatefi difadvantages, till . they 'are at word, before he will put forth his power and work. The Apofile faith of himîelf (2 Cor. t2, 10, ) When 1 amweak, then am I firovg, that is, then have I the ftrength of the Lord- coming into my help. And as it is with refpe to particular per Eons, fo to the whole generation ofhis children, when they are wedkathen are theyfirong, that is, then they have the flrong God., the God excellent rn power, appearing and working for them. Secondly, This abo'is a fad word to all that wand in the way of Godsworkingpower; His working power quickly wo-k; through all power, and can work itdown. Babylon is a mighty powerful_ enemy, but (Rev. 18. 8.) we read of the dow:fal of Babylon, and that her ruine mall come as in one day : But, how (hall this be 'effe&ed ? Theanfwer is given in the clofeof theverve, Forfirong is the Lord Gad which 3rndgethher. Suppofe there fhould he no power in the worldprong enough topútl down Babylon, yoa, fu=s- pofe all the powers in the world ::Would Rand up fo- Babylon; 'ris other,aife prophettied,for,thelCings ofthe earth f he hate theLrhore andPall make her deflate, and naked, and catcher flefh, and barn her withfire; brít-fuppofe, I fay, all earhly,powe- should aspear for, rather than againfl Babylon, yet this is enough for us to ref+ ire, firong is the Lordwh,ch Judgethher. He isexcellent in power, and as it followeth , In asdgii ent,. This comes in,lefl any fhould chink,becaufeGod is fo excelent in power, fo mighty in flrength , that therefore he would carry things by violence or by meer force, as the tons of teen, the mightyNi.torods of the world fomimesdo : If theyhave hrength and