Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

chap, ; Erpo`fionnpon the Eook of Jos. Val; 23, 62a 3 _:. and power to do fuch or fuch things, they regard not Judgment nor Jur`fice, they look not whether right or wrong ; therefore Elihcs, when he had laid, God is excellent in power,prefently adds, and-in Judgment. As if he had laid,Though the Lord excel all in potver,and to able to crcfh themightyei as a moth,yet he will not op- profs any by his power; the worft ofmen [hallfind the Lord as much in judgment and righteoufcefs, as he is inflrength and power. And therefore, O3o , be'affared, God bath not done thee any wrong, nor ever will. This I conceive tobe the fcope ofElihn in the connexi- on ofrhefe two, The excellency of God in Jwdgment,as well as in Power. But what are we to underhand by judgment, in which Elihu faith God excells ? Inanfwer to this Queue I tlaall fiat Phew that Judgment is taken four ways in Scripture, and then pròve that God is excellent in Judgment, with refpe& to every one of them. Fir[I, Judgment is an ability ofjudging. A man of judgment, and awife manare the fame. Whenwe fay,fuch a rnan,is a manof Judgment ,or a judicious man, we mean,heis a prudent man,he is able to dilcern things that differ, he knows how toorder,flare and determine doubtful things aright. In this fence we are to under- hand it here, the Lord is excellent injudgment, that is, inwifdome andprudence to fet things right and to give every one his righr,he fees clearly how to tannage all hisaffayres and purpofes by righ- teous mieanes to right ends. Theprophet gives God the glory of this title expreffely (Ifa 3o.1 f3.) The Lord is a God ofjudgment Bleffed are they tbar wait for him. That, is, the Lord is infinitely furnifhed withwifdom, he knowsexaaly, not only what ought to, be done, but how and when to do it ; therefore waive for him. And'tir encouragement to waite,whenìve have a perron of judg- ment and undcrfianding, a dilcreet andprudent perron ro waive upon.God is a God of judgment, in this fence, b!off dare they that Waite for him. Secondly , Judgement in Scripture is taken for'that modera- tion,or due meafure, which is obferved in any thing that is done. This follows the former,; for ainlefs a man have a Judgment or true underflanding in the thing it fell, he can never hit a right meafure of it. Thus, conceive, that Scripture is tobe ender- food(ilath, 23, 2 3. jwhere Chrifi;denouncingor thundering out woes thick and threefold againf'r the proud hypocritical Phari- fees,,