Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap, 37. an Expoftion upon the Boo(of J p B. Verf. 23. 62; city of his proceedings, and allayes the bitternefs of the cup by fome ingredients of mercy. Thirdly , Judgment inSc : ipteare is put for the reformation of things when they are out of order. In this fence it is uCed ( John á 2. 31. ) Now is theJudgment ofthis world. Our late Annota- tors tell us, that by Judgment is meant reformation : AsifChri6l had laid, Iam come to let allthings inorder, that have beenout of order and disjoynted in the Jewif o Church, and every where elfe ; Now is the judgment ofthis wrhrld. In this fence God is excellent in Judgment, or he excells in this Judgment-, that is, he is for re- formation, he will fer all things right, he will make crooked things firait, he will make the rough places plain. John the Bap till came before CI-riff in this work,yet in this workChrifl isbe- fore or exceeds John the Baptifl. The Lord (Ifa. 4.4.)will purge away the iniquityof the daughter of Zion with afpirit ofJudgment, andWith a jpirit ofburning, that i,, with a reforming and a refin- ingSpirit : And the Lord willfend forth this judgment nntgtrrac- ry ( Match. 12. 20. ) that is, he will do it thorowiy,he will ove- come all thedifficulties, and put by áll the tbflacles which hinder the perfectl refortra ion of things aswell as of perfons. That's the importance allo ofthat great promife ( Ifa. t . 2 5,26.)1(faith tl-e Lord) will tarn ncy hand upon thee (or take thee in hand) aF at purely purge away thy drof,and take away all ,thy tinn, (that io, all thofe corruptions which have crept in upon thee)& 1 w11 ref<re thy Judges as at the faro, and thy Councrllors,as at the beginning. 7 hings and perfons are ufually,bell at tiirf+.The new broom( ay we) fweept clean. As timeconfumes all things here belo v,fo it co :rims moti things ; and tnerefore when the Lord promifeth toreflo-e them to ap[itiritive purity, he promileth the pure(i re daurati'on ; all which is futo: sra'd up in the 27th verfe,Sion(hall be redeemedwith judgment ; which is not only, if at all, intended of a rede:r.p:ion. by Judgment on her enemìes,but by that reformation which ;od would work upoja theénfelves, in taking away their drais and titan, Refloring their Judges aat thefirfi , and their Councellers at at the beginning. Such aJudgment is fpoken of (Ifa, 30 2.2.) Te (hall defile alto (that is, utterly difgrace and deface) the Covering ofthy. graven Images of Si'oer, and the Ornament of thymolten Images of Geld;thou (halt ca them away a s a;roenffruetsscloth, thou/halt fay ante it, get thee hence, This is the'Judgment of reforrnatión,which= Goa,