Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

.624 Verf. 23. e/fn Expoftionayporì the Book of J o B. Chap. 37. God bath and will further work among his people , till Sion be built up in perfetb beauty, and ferufalem become the prarfe of the whole earth. Thus allo God is excellent both in power and in Judgment. Fourthly, Judgment fignifaes thofe evills which God brings upon impenitent runners ; that's a very frequent norion of 3udg= -meat in Scripture, and the Lord is excellent in this Judgtrtent; - and that Firfk , Upon his own people, when they provoke him and fin ágain(+ him (t Pet. 4.. i7.) IfJudgment begin at the houfe of God, rebat fhall the end be ofthem thatobey not the Gofpel. There's Judg- -ment beginning at the houle of God, that is,Goa will bring evill uponhis own houfe,the Church,even fore troubles and perfecuti- ons.The Lord will not fpare theon,whohave been flight with him, forgetfull of him, formal inprofeflion,or wanton and vaine incon- 'verfation. This is a great part of the Lords excellency in Judb men-, he bringsJudgment upon his own houle. The Lord, faith the Prophet ( Ifa. ç. 16. ) fhall be exalted inJudgment, andGod that is holy (hall befantlified in righteoetfneff, that is, in bringing his righteous Judgments upon Ifrael, his peculiar people. We find that Golpel Prophet Ifaiah often interweaving the wyre and whipcord of corporal bondage, with the flit and fcarlet thread of Sions deliverances. Secondly, In judgment towards his enemies (Pfal.-14;9. 9.) Hewill execute on them the Judgment that zs written, and that is no inconfiderable, nor eaf e Judgment. The fervants ofGod may fmart forely under thefe Judgments, but the wicked and rebelli- ous (hall pedal, and fink under them. Howdreadful! is that pro- fe'{Iícn or proteflationwhich the Lord made by Mofes ( Deut. 32. 4 t . ) If!whet my glittering fzrord, and my band talehold of Judg- ment, Iwill render vengeance to mine enemies, and willreward there that hate,me. Some, poffibly, may obje&, Surely there is no fuch appear- ance ofCods excellency in Judgment upon the wicked of the world, the enemies of his name and wayes. It grew to a Pro- ve; b ( Mal; 2. 17. ) refay, every one that doth evill isgood in the fight ofthe Lord, and hedelighteth in them, or where is the God of .Judgment ? Evill men f em to be good in the eyes of the Lo-d when they enjoy good ; and if it be fo, ( laid force) Where ù the God of judgment r I an-