Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

626 Verf, 2 3. G/In E.1pf;üon upon the rook of .1 o B. Chttyi. 37. tvill, is more penal than the fuffering of any evil. Now while wicite.4 men efcape the fuffering of evil(, they gro* refolved, that is, hardnedand heartned in doing it, or to do it.Take Solo- man obfervation or experience in the cafe (Ecclef. 8. i.) Be- campfentence agaixfi an evil work is not fpeedily trained(upon themiclves or others ) therefore the heart ofthefins ofmen isfully fit in them to dom¡Chief. So then; there are many tnvifìble judg men. s uponwi(k'sd men, when we fee no hand touch them, nor judgment neer them ; Godgives them up to'vile affe lions, and to a aepruba e mind,( Rom. I. 26, 28..) to their own counfcls ( t 2.) and to flrong delufions by others (z 7bef. a. r t.) There h.avy loads of judgment may be on their hearts,upon whore backs w fee not fo'Duch as a graine weight of judgment. Thus the Lord is excellent in judgment in all the notions of it; I have in(ir,nced fence. Now, lefk any fhould think that God at any time breaks the rule of juflice inhis zeale for this latter fart of jud ment,or while he is pouring out vengeance upon the wick:d, therefore it fol- lows in thenet place, T 1' :i And in plenty sf jaftice. God executes great wrath upon fi mer's, but there is g-eat Ju 7uj.ít`i.t eft flice, plenty ofJuflice in it. There is fiore and abundance of jú- tonll.ns & (lice and tighteoufnefs inhis mofi rigorous judgments. fr little ju- Juntas do Hice is a moll precious thing how precious then is plenty of i fsurs pr a? . P Y j cuig; tribuen- (lice ! J'ufBice in it f if is thegtvrngof every one bi.r ; and where di. Junin: juflice is in any man, it conllantly bends and enclines his h;=arc to do Co, his efpecially with wham there is (as in God) plenty of juflice. And indeed, what-ever God bath, he hash plenty of ic; He bath mercy,ind plenty of it, he is ptentéotss in mercy (Pìal. t o 3. 8.) And with km is plenteosee redemption, (Peal. 130. 7.) There is allo plenty of juflice in him. Some men have no Juflice at all itr them ; though their office and place be to do Juflice, yet they have nothing of juflice , no tin lure. of it in them ; They netther feare God nor regardmat , to do hits any juflice as theunju(l Judge is defcribed (Luk i8, z.).. and with aloft J:.fiice is a very ;Came Commodity, !hey have but a ve: y, little of ir,and they difiribute it very poorlyand fparingly. Where almoft is the man tobe found that bath plenty of juflice 313