Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. an Li 1'tion upon the Bock of Ja B. 'ferf, 23. 627 in hira'eif,and diltributes it plentifully Co others?There was fine- ly agr.°at ícarc:ry'of Juftice to the 3uf icers of 7ernfalcrn, when the Lund by his i'ropuet (Ter.5.1.) offered to pardon the whole City, if upon the fcoiisg forth of his Writ of Enquiry, hename of any one man Could be returned that execu edJudgment.O that Daub of Juftice ! and in Our! ace may we hope to iind plenty of jutïice amongmen,when to little o it Was to be found in Jeras- fSem,the City of God ? yet this may cm:fret tís,thatthough there be littleof it is or among men, these is plenty of it inGod. And that there is plentyof juflice in God, l ;cued demonftrate there five wayes. Fitfi , He huh plenty of juflice, who deals juf;_ly with every man. God áivetb every man his due, all his due, and nothing but his due. More ciifîih&ly,, take this in two branches. Firfi, he that rewards all that are good, with good, not this or that man, not his kinfman, or his friend only, but every man that is good, with good,he bath plenty of Juttice:Thus doth God. The refpe& which God bath to the perfons of good men, is like the refpe& whichgood menhave to thecommands of God,it is univerfall,he refpeetsthem all. As they give him plentiful! obedience,havinga refpe6} to all his Commandements , fo he gives them plentiful! Juf#ice,he háth refpeet to all their perfons, to all their workings, CO all their wayes, which are holy, jufi,and good. Again,Second ly, He bathplentyof juflice, whopunifheth all that do evil, not winkingat, nor (paring friends or kindred. Surely then there is plenty of juflice inGod; for as herewards all the good withgood, fo he rewardsall evil menwith evil ; that's all the reward they fhall have, and they (hall have plenty of it (Pfal. 31. 23. ) Ho plenteoußy rewardeth the prooddoer. Theproud fl}all have and drinkup the 1aft, the refdue, the remainder,the very dregs of the bitter cup,of thecup of trembling, as theHebrew elegancy ofd by the pfaluait} intimates. Tribalátion and ançwfh upon every foul ofman that dot!, evil; for there ïa no refpetì ofperfenr withGod,; ( Rom. s. 9, r t. ) M he will punifh none but evil-doers, fo he will punifh them every one, except rh.v repent. Secondly, With theLord is plenty of Jufilice, for he knows the whole Compafs of Juflice, he huh .he clear Idea of it in his underfianding,be knows all the rules of ir, or rather is the rule, of it. All the rules of Jutlice cameout from him, andare but the L i 1 I 2 figni-