Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

623 Verl. 3. Fe.vpro;: deon the 'kí' Jo B. _Chap. 17. fignihcation of his own mind , therefore he =Lk needs know them, and be well skilled in them. Some men have a gooti miod to do julliee, yet have no tilenty of ir, becaufe theyare unskiltull in the iuleof ir, the Dawes both of God and man. A Pidge that is blind through ignorance, and bath not agift of kritiwledge and underaanding in che Law, faulters in doing, er is unfit to do Ju- nice, as much as he that is blinded wick guttyor byafs'd by rela- tions' and private paffions ; he that isblind the former waycannot have, andhe that is blinded by any of the latter vv tyeswill never do pte,,ty of Niice. But as the Lord bath an infinitely clear eye as io the title, fo no gift can blind him, nor can any relation put out his eyes from feting a fault, nor divert him from punifhing ir ( . ) It is a people of no underflanding (either to do, good, or to depart from evil) therefore he tharmade them (that's a neer relation ) tvill,.ot have mercy on them, and he that formed them ( that's the lame ) will !hew them nofavour. As if the Lord had laid , ofticeftrall be done, though the work ofmy own hands h tendone 6y it ; There's plenty of juiiice. And as God knows the rule of theLaw perfeedy, and will not be turned aide from it ; fohe knows the matter of fait perfeitly, , and cannot be miflead about that ; Upon which tfirtake fome,who have great knowledge of the rule of the Law, yet do not plenty of jullice they often condemn the innocent, and acquit the noceur, hecaufe they find not out the truth of their cmft,but are mifinformed about ir.BLF, the Lord isA godof knowledg,67himaUions are Toeig-hed;he knws not only the matter of Law,but the.macter.of fait too, and there- tore with him there is plentyef7uflice. Thirdly , There mull needs be plenty of Plice with God, becaufe he knows the rpiriL and heart wit h which every man he knoweth whether a thing he done malicioufly, or meetly by a furprize of paflion ( Jriflice ìs guided much by that confi on in fotne cafes ) Ihe Lo. d knows the heart,- whet ewi-h every thing is done, .nd the delignorayeof every man in doirg ir. As he will make tnanifell the Councelsof the heart., at lafl to all; fo now the Corncels of rbe heart aremanifeft tohim ;' therefore he muti needs be plentiful in juflice.. Fwrthly, God i clothed with frflielent power to execute therefore will him there is plenty of ir. Some have a good mind to do juqice,theyknow the 1.0' & the fa a too,yet are fhertned