Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. ej'? E,.p,;rionupon the 73ookof Jo E. 'etl. z3. 6a9 fhorrned and flraitned in doing jufiice, becaufe they have not power, or are not able to carry rt out againti potent otfenders, but are forced-ro forbear the doing of jufiice, becatee at prefenc they cannot. The doing of jufiice requit eth L? rer.gth, of hand, as tivell as tthength of Law, and inreg-iy of heart. David had a good mind to do ju(lice upon oab ( though neerly related CO him ) when he had, under a pretence of friundfi ip,flain Abner ; but he faw himfelf under a necef ìty of forbearance at that time, and therefore. faid, Iam this day weal¿ (though anoynred King) and theft fono of Zerviah be too hard for me. slat there_are no fens of Zerviah too hard for the Lord, he can calii them to an accotant at any time David knew that very well, and therefore he refer- red joa6 to GodsJullice in the clofe of that verfe(zSnm,z, 39.) The Lord Tall reward the doer of evill according to his. wick dnefr, Can thineheart endure, or can thine hands be firorgr in the dayes that I fhall deal with thee ? faith the L.prd by his Prophet ( Ez.ek. 22. 14.) They cannon, therefore with him is plenty of fuJlice, Fifthly, The Lord cannot but have plenty of jufiice, for his very nature is juflice.Man dorh that readily and plentifully which. he loth naturally , it is as impoí1ible for Gdd nor ro do juflice, . as it is for him nor robe. A man may be unjufl, and yet be a man, but God cannot be God,.,a~u3 nor do juftly. Seeing then it . is his nature to do jufiice , there mull needs be plenty of jullice with him : And how -fever- ioever the judgmentsof C od are there is nothing but 4u lice- in thorn. j ntlíce, 3Nfiice, (.halt thou. follow, was the command of God to the Jurger.of Ijrael by Mo- fig, chat is,,as we tfanflate, that which ìs altogether jafl (halt.thou, follow (D ur. 6. a o.) M that prornifeof peace- peace, rotes plen- ty of peace (Ifa. a6. z.) fo this: ommand uG icing itfl err, jss Pict, notes plenty of J.rtiice fetrainly tiaoon the ford himfelf will do jufiice pfenn,fuily, Jufir,,e, Jut}ice will he-do. Take two, Inferences frcm this affe tid . Firfi , This truth matter ofcoenfo:t ro, and fweetly frailes upon the ìol1, rhar the Lord had., plenty of juf{ice in him ; for then, doubtlefs, he will pertorme 'sit h.ti good vvbrds of p o4 mire ro them.'Tis the pa or a ptir man to rerfo,mo his word ; Ciod tsfithu to his wor d,v1har-everm,.. ire. ft hathbeen.a'd, Ifyou >v?rt'd know Ore fcme men meannever to do,rh-cn look to , heir prGm.'j3,.