Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

'6;o Verf. 23 an Expvjition%pox the Zookof J o 'ß. Chap. 37. Eortam que appetebat ne qui quaspre fe ferebat, d7 coramgut di- cehat ne gain guarn facers volebat, Bui das de Tibe- rio. promi fee. It was a very di(honorable Charmer which Snidar gave of the Romane Empereur Tiberitte ; He never made fnety of having what he defired, or had a mind to, nor ever minded to do what Le had prorneifed, But God, thegreat God,is fo t;ue and jar t to his word or Nonlife, that his people may cake flrong confolation t omeve- ry word of promife, (Tit: T. 2. ) IM hope ofeternal life, which god ele4t cannot lie bath proniifed. Noman could ever challenge Jod of any faylure inpromue. There are four things afcrïbed co God in Scripture, which may af4ure us that he will be jull in per ortïa- ingall his promifes. Firfi, He remembers them all (l'jal, Tfal, 11 5. a z.) Secondly, He is unchangeable and in one mind, (fob 23. 13, i q.. ) Thirdly, He is the Almighty, and ever fur- nitht with power to perform them. Fourthly, He is moll faithfull, and will not deny nor falfirie them ( Heb. i o. 23. ) Secondly, This truth bath a mofi dreadful! afpe& and frowner terribly upon the ungodly and unjull. That God bath plentyof 3u- flice, Juflice enough to bellowamong them all, is enough to con- found them all ; though they make a Covenant whh death , and with hell are at agreement, yet their Covenant and agreement fhall be di%lved, ( Ifa. 18. c 5, 16.) The Scripture fpeaks Ju- flice often to (inners, fpecially to thofeunjufi ones, who weigh the violenceof their hands (Pfal.58. 1,2. ) that is, who opprefs with a kind of exaoînefs, who do not tumble it out palpably, or in a lump, but weigh it out, now a little ,-and then a little : The Lord knoweth how to deal with fuch cunning pe;verters ofJu- ftice, and will at tart make them acknowledge,borh that them- felves had no juilice in them , and that hinafelf bath plenty of it. And who now, laying theft fiveconfiderations together , will not acknowledge, that the Lord hachplenty of jufrice ? But the inference whichElihrt makes from it in the clofe of the verCe, feems, if nota kind of denial, yet a great abatement of ir, for ha- ving Paid, He is excellent in plentyofJuftice, the next wordsare, He will not afi£u. This may feem at firfi hearing, a firange cone&ion ; will he not affli& ? hair thenbath he plenty of Jul}ice ? Dothnot God affii& ? who af'iii&s then ? have men the power of afflì&ion in their hands ? or bath Sacan the power of allii &ion in his hand ? Af1itfion cometh not forth of the duff neither loth trouble fprtng cm of the ground, (aid Elipbaz (Chap. 5. 6.) Saith