Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. dinExpofition upon the Bo kof ,] o s. Verf. 2 3. 633 many his prifoners,yet then his bowels are open: d towards them) he will not crufh, nor tread them down, asmire in the fireets, l ( faith the Lord, Ifa. 57. rd. ) will not contendfor ever, &c. For ( if I Ihould ) the Spirit/houldfail before Nee, and thefouls which Ihalemade. I knowwhat your fpirits can bear, and I will con- tend nó longer than I know you are able to bear ir. HIWnce-that Promife ( 25. 3. ) The redof the w cI,ed [hail not raft upnn the lot of the rigbteous,leaft he put forthhis hands to ovil.The Lord knows the rod may prevail overus fo,as to put us upon the doing of evil,and therefore he will take order that it Chair nor. Thus we may fafely underfland this affert ion, He will not af- flia,that is, he afl3i&s not willingly ; he afIli&s not till there is need,nor will he afllie} more than needs, nor more than we are a- ble, or himfelf will enable us tobear; he will either fupport us under, or give us deliverance out of all our afi&ions in due, time. I might hence,or from the whole,infer a double duty. Fir% Be Patient under afflietion. Secondly, Be Comforted in affli&ion. For God Both foaffii &,that he may be truly faid not to affli&, But havingmet with occasions for theminifiring of fuch like caun- fels to the arli&ed,from other paffages in this book,it may fuflice only to mind die Reader of them here. This fpake 'lihuin the dole or perorationof hisdifcourfe, to flir up Job to confider all the dealings of God with him ; he would have him fit down with there four Do&rinal Conclusions upon his hearr,that God isExcellent in Power, and in Judgement, andin plentyof fuftice, be well not afiVE1. Surely he will not afflict more in meafure, nor longer in time than is need, asfob feemed in his paflion,to intimate and charge Cod,for which he had leve- rat reproofs before. Thus far I have opened there words, as they !land in our tran- Elation. There are two or three different readings, of the latter part of the verfe, which would not be altogether omit- ted, and thereforeI flail touch at them, and then proceed to the next and laf+ verte of this Chapter, which is alfo Elibu's parting . word, or the conclufion of his large and clore difcourfe with Jib. The firfi different reading is much infified uponby foie Ia- Mmmm terpreters.