Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

634 Vet f. z 3. Expofition upon the L'ook,of 3 0 z. Chap. ;7. Oomipoteins terirete:s. Take it C ,us ; The mil, ghty,whom we cannotfind quen non elfe- oyat, is great in power, but he will not afl:l:=t anjudgment and plenty quineur asnp,au of m tranc ires. This tranflation C eth chore words w aiciì we ;ji vrrrute, fed f J p c 7udicie&rnrg place in the end of the verfe, he will not affliE, to the middle of nirucrrnejtfli- rr,and it renders the copulative particle e4nd,by the adv#fative tiænonafji- but : This makes the fence of the whole verle more plain and get. Merc. eafire than the former, as alfo to rie up more fully to the purpofe of Elilm. As if he had thus fummed up all that he (poke befo e, or had contraCled it into this fum. which things, feeing they are fo, as I havedeclared,wo may cer- .Qua>mviofit tainly conelude,that the Almighty in fofull ofmajeflyand power,that °eentrfJ is we are no way able to reach,cempafs andfind himout : Tee notwith- raven homîmes ewecreator fianding he Nfofull of gcodneffe and mercy, that he is very fparing tanti facit ut towards men, and will not afJiuit them according to their demerits, ran utator oin- nor up to theextremity of jajtice. This expofition holds out clear- nipotenrie fua ly that temperament of the power and juftice, with the goodnefs ad eosfummo and mercy of God, which Elihu undertook to deinonf} rate at the jure d prome- itrseorumafllr-'fifth verfe of the thirty flxth Chapter, and fo forwards ; Ile is gsndos. Jun. great in power, bat hewill not atilt injudgement. Take this note from it; How great foever the power ofGod is, yet he doth not affliil fnful man according to tbe'greatmefiofhis power, nor the utmofi line ofhis juflice. The Lord is full of mercy,full of fparingmercy, he fpaareth his people, an,aman 1parethhàsownfon that fervetbb;m (-(Mal. 3. 17.) And indeed if Cod fhould affi'i&t inplenty, than it, in ex= tremrìy of jufiice, what would become of thebeff of the holieff of men ? Who can withr+and the power of the great God ?-;rho an (}and in judgment before him, if he Mould mark niquities y ( Pfal. t 30. 3.) Woe to the moll innocent man alive; if God could mark iniquities, and not- forgive iniquities. And there,-: fore it follows in the next or 4thverfe of that Pfalrr, Brit with thee is forgivenefs. As God is rnofi bountifulin giving, fo is he rnoff merciful in forgiving. This holds the headOf believing and reçenring (inners abase water, and keeps them from finking into the bottomlefs guile of defpaire, that they have a forgiving Goat to go unto, and that `there- is none like him in foa giving