Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37.-, eÁ Expefitson upon the BooK,of j 0 B. Verf. ( Mich. 7. IS. ) None forgiving, ci freely ( Ifa, 4 2.. 25 )0 a- bandantly (flit. 5 5. 7. )none io coan:iy and coniu y There is forgivenefs with thee ; 'tis a coni:,7,:ed a p,:,.;.,L[Lni NAV kcaufe God pa:dons fofreely, h dt 03L, h , lie cannot becalfe he will nor, pliniai extrearsily. Gmcdc.,,zueib )vith "'inners in meaftare, becaufe he clea'eth with thew in a Though he begreat in power, yet he will not afilL-1. zccosdiu; t) the a reacnefs of his power or the plenty his jut-lice. Secondly, Some of the feWifh Doors render relater part of the verle thus ; whereas we fay, He is exceA:ent in judgement, ar.d in plenty of juiice, LA,ilnot 4U, they fay , He will ludiarn'& not affila judgement andplentyofjuffice ; chat is, as they give the cOPial34itix glofs, Though he begreat in power, yet hewill not pervert juSlice. ""jus:gmet: We may well fay jutlice is affliaed, when it is perverted ; and then jullice is perverted, when aay man is wronged, or vvnen at exRabbinis. any time the wronged, or wrongfully afflied, are not righted and relieved. Thus God will not Aka Thefe tranaa- tors donot joyn the word ofiVE/ ( as we ) to the perfon of man, but to the juflice of God, or thea6tings of his juilice. He is great in power, but he will notaffii6t, he will not opprefs judge- ment and juftice. This is doubtlefs agreat truth in it fell, yet t doubt whether it be the 'truth intended by Eau in this place. Certainly, God will not do any man wrona° ,thoUgh he !lath power enough, all power in his hand, yea, God will ,do all men right ; though he be great in power, yet what affli6tiota'foever he layeth upon the creature (hall be no afiliialon to juRice or judgemenr, ro that ju(lice or judgement with which God is cloathed,and declareby executing it among the childrenof rnen.But I pals this as over-nice. Thirdly, Others render thus, He is excellent inpower , and iii Min refponde. judgement, and plenty in juflice , he willnot anfwer. The wo d bit. Tygut. which we tranflate, to 40, with fotnealteration in the Hebrew erdemfl not anfwer ; that is, ieign fistnnt pointing, fignifieth alto to anfwer ;and fo the words carry a fenceof the abfolute foveraignty of sod, who is fo.great in power, cumfit ;IV judgement, and plenty efjufliee, that hewill ` though men complain of his juAice,or think he bathdone them feornteltil a.i iainri- wrong, or at kart is over-fevere towa:ds theni, yet he will not elige',v6xar come to an anfwer, he will give no mana reafnof his Wayes. 01 Druf. merc. this 6/ibx fpake exprefly ( chap. 3 0%13.) He giveth not an c1C- M m m fignt