636 lFerf. 23. e}fn Expofiuonupon the Bookof Jo B. Chap. 37. E"osrs;t of any ofhis matters. god is fopowerful that noman can cad bin; town account, andfo jaes1 in the rifeor exercife ofhis power,that there is no reasonwhy any should. But though this alfo be a great truth,yet becauseEhhu had afferted it fullybefore,as alfo becaufe this translation is grounded upon a change in the ordinary pointing of the Hebrew word, from which I conceive, with others, we ought not eafily to recede,thercfore l thail not trayupon it. Noé (hall I more than mention that apprehension of fome Rabbins, who thus give out a 4th fence or interpretation of the words ;. whereas we fay,As touching the Almighty,we cannot find Orrrnipotcrltem him out,he is excellent in power,andin Judge ent,&c.They fay thus, noninvenimus although the Almighty be great in power and injudgment,and plenty muirum robore ofjuf tce,yet wefind himnotfo ; That is,we do not find him putting & judicio; Er -out the greatnefsof his power,or theexaetnefs ofjhis jutice,in the sail fr;tamen commands wch he hash laid upon us, orin the duties weh he hach talemeum7: required of us;_he doth no: over-burthen ns,nor exact hard things experimur itt gaandatisfus, of us.And they int}ance in the rules which God gaveabout ofter- arimmodice ings and facri6ces; he required ( fay they) of fome only a turtle riosoneret,aut dove,or apair ofyoung pigeons,of others but a laalb,or a bullock, immodicam s such things he required for facrifice as were ofeaRe price, and J nüniods eueami, get &C.. b might eafil y be obtained, hedidnot put us upon the gettingof Rabbi sele. (range and rare bea(Is, as Buffes, or Llnicorns,or any fort of crea- moth &Ram- ture which may put us tomuch paises in getting them , or to bwm, much expense in buying them. And as in there, fo inother things Godbath gracioufly condescended to our weaknefs, as appears e- , very where in the Law. Thus theTernifhWriters makeout their tranflation:and though it be a truth,that in one sense the Ceremo= nial Law was ( as St Peter, in that council at ferufatem declared ../îEs r 5..to)A.Teak, which neither they nor theirfathers were able tobear, yet there was Much favou r mixed with it, which caufed the Lord to appeale in that point ro their ownconfcirnces, or to make theenfelves the judges (Mch. 6. 3. ) 0my people, what have I done unto thee, or wherein have Iwearied thee ? test:fie a- fa;nrf . me. And as God,thoughgreat in power,did not fiver-laythe ervs,fotr,uchlefs bathhe over-laid us Ch itlianswithduty(!Toh. 5, 3 `) His Commandements are not grievous. And Ch, ifi raid of his Joke and bu-den (Mat. I I.1o.)Myyoke r' eatic,and ray 6i <rden is light.Chriti may lay what burdens he pieafeth upon us but he is nor pleated to layany grievous burdens uponus. This therefore is a truth