Chap. 37. piln Expofition upon the Bookof o a. Verf. 637 truth, both as tó them and us, yet Iconceive it befide the deign of Elibw in this place, and I only mind the Reader ofthefe diffe- rent interpretations,ofall which force good improvement may be made. So much of this verfe : The whole difcourfe of Elihucon- cludes in the next. Verf. 24. (Men e do thereforefearhim: He refpetleth not any that are wife inheart. This verfe containeth two things. Firfl,a practical inference,by way of ufe,from that fourfold do.; &rine held forth in the former verfe,concerningGod. As if Elihne had faid, For as much as the Almighty is incomprehenfible, fo that we cannot find him oat; for as much as be is mighty in power, and judgement,andplenty ofjuice, jo that we can neither avoid him nor delude him, thereforemen dofear him. Secondly, We have an enforcement of this Inference, by a co- gent reafon, For he refpel?eth not any that are wife its heart. Who there wife-hearted ones are, whomGodrefpeð nor, will ap- pear in the opening thole words, ?Ien do therefore fear him. The word rend red Meo,properly figniftetb,weak orfeeble men,. 03ti as alfo Men in afili&ion, men under the afflì&ing hand, or rod of rid mi.fer /& God. This aria acception of the word, renders the oppoßtion ímbesíUuse_ more cleare,fetting the loweft of humane frailty,againfl the high- _ eft divine power. Yet we need not and firi&ly upon theGram- matical fignificationof the word, but may take men, in all their divifìons and formes ; men, be they high or low, of ieced or in profperity, ought therefore to fear him. Only, it may feemmofi futable,inway of applicarion,to fob,for Eldon to ufe this word in that reftrained fence ; Affliticdfeeble men dofearhim , As if he had Paid. O fob, thouart a weak m an, a mangreatly ofitled, thou haft been long under the rod and chafit ninPhand ofGod, thererore thououghteft tofedr him, and not expo- fluTa'te thematter with him, as thou haft done. L en do Thereforefear him. This illative,Therefore,hath reference (as was intimated) to all that was faid in the former verfe, yet we may take it fpecially there: