Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

638 Verf. i4. efln Expofition upon the Bookof Jo B. Chap. 37. there two particulars.Therefore men dofear him ; Why ? Firft, Becatie he is fo great,fo immenfe, fo incomprehenfìble, fopowerful, fo juil, becaufe he bath tuch plenty of ju[iice, there foremen dofear 5; ecp ly-, Therefore men do fear him ; Why ? B.caufe,chough she be cloathed withu.ower, ju(lice and }udgemenr, yet he will not affl a, that is, he will not rfl3;dt excrearnly , in any of thole tour fences before given; he moderates his power by companion in his tharpefi difpenfations towards his people;there is a great mixture of love &mercy with his jutiice,therefore men do tear him. Ns if El;hss had thus befooken f obiOthersfear Godbecaufe they experience for findhim 1 in4 and good to them, even inaff itlion, bow then eomcth it to pafs, that thou haft from the beginning carried ir, as ifGod mi ,. t no kindnes nor fhewed any te;odernef o in his affl ítingo f thee ?why is it that thouhaft carted thy day ? that thou ha/f complained that -ever thou waft born, that thou haft fo often wiflied for death e Why haf thou feud that thou art not only preffed, but even oppreffed, that though thy caufe be good , yet thouhaft born the heavieff loads ofe- vill ? why doff thou firivewith him ? Theft are no arguments ofthy fear,6at ofan impatient and fretful fpirit,ifnot of a kind of rageand fury againft Godhirafelf ; Thefe are no proofs that thou doeft 'ac- k,newledge hisgoodnefs in a f 'Sting thee, .and fo fear him, for by thefe thou doff rather charge and accufe him of hafhneffeand feve- rity. Now though it may be raid ( as ic.hath often in the opening this Book) that fob fpake fuch words partly in the heat of his paffion, partly through the greatnetfe of his pain, partly through the infirmity of his fle{li,as alto being much moved and provoked by the grievous cenrures of his friends : yet notwithflanding all this,his words were fueh as neither Could, nor ought to be wholly excufed ; fo that Elibu might fay, (Men do therefore fear him. Tab, thou haft carried it,as if thou dig not fear him, thou hair not behaved thy felf like other men, under the fame, or a like aff1; Ling hand of God. For though lob is to be reckoned among men that feared God,yea,in the higheft form of thofe that feared him, vec he failed much in his affli&ion, as to the exprefhion of this holy Thus' we ho. t that two- fold reference, in which Elihss faith, Therefore do acc Firft,