Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

64° , Verf. 24. AnExpofition upon the Boolof J o a. Chap. 37. Whence we may take this general Obfervätion ; le is the duty of al men, of every man, tofear God. Men,one or other, ought tohavehigh and honourable thoughts of God,theyought tohave holy and reverentiall thoughtsof God, they ought to put far away fro;n them all flightnefs, and vanity of ffirtt,when they think or peak of God ,theyought to put far from them all boldnefs and prefumption, when they have to do with God. To put away all flight and bold thoughts of God,to take uphigh and reverential thoughtsof God,this,this is to fear God. Yet a little further, and more diflinaly, I conceive here in this place,to fear God,fiands in a four -fold oppofition. Fi ft, Men fhould fear him, and not murmure at what he doth. Secondly, They fhould fear him, and not lightly pats by what hedoch. Thirdly, They fhould fear him, and not queflionhim about what hedoch. Fourthly , They thould fear him, and not curioufly fearchor prie into what he doch. The Lord having fuch power to do, inch wifdom in doing,fuch a mixture of mercy wich juflice in all that he doth, men fbould only admire and improvehis doings, not murmure at, nor lightly pais by, nor quettion, nor curioufly pry into what hedoth. Thus to fear God as faithful in all his works, and to fear offending him in any of our own works, is the fumme of Godlinefs. Hear the conclufon ofall (faithSolemn Eccl. t 2. t 3.) FearGod, andk,esp his Commandments : this is the whole of man,that is (as we tran- flate ) thewhole duty ofman. Secondly, Taking the word men more firi6fly, as fiAnifying, not flrong,or mightymen,but weak,afli&ed men ; Note ; When 6ed isa luting Ks, we ought to hmuch in thefear of God. What ? when the handof Cod is upon us, thall our hearts be lifted up againf him? or in our felves ? what ! fhall not our hearts fioop when our backs are burdenedwith forrows, and bowed down