Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. e/In E.tpofition upon the Book of Jo a. Veri. 2+ 6+1 down with a croli; FNot to fear. God when weare at furthea re- move from fear, er trouble in the world, isan argument of a very badheart ; but not to fear himwhen fear is round about us, er, when hirnfelfischafen'ing and correEing of us, argueth a much werfe frame of heart. Holy David gave thischaraa`ler of his ene- mies ( Pfal.5 . 19.) Fecaufe theyhave noehannes,,hercferethey fear not God. What shall we fay of themwho fear nor God though they have many changes ? Inch changes, I mean, as Job felt, and cryed out of in the bitternefs of his foul ( (hap. io. 17.) Chan ges and war are again(.f )ne ; And 'cis conceived, that Elihuaim- ed particularly at yob in this pottage, as if he were theman, whr, though under`great changes, and ingreat troubles, yet b_haved himfelf unlike thole who truly fear the Lord. Thirdly, Note ; It isfo mrech the duty ofman to fear God, that it naywell be fuppofedofall men, that they fear bino. He can fcarce be looked upon as a man, whá doth not fear God. Doth he know himfelf to be a weakman, who 'cloth nor tremble at the remembrance of the Almighty God ? Doth he know himfelf to be a finful man who cloth not tremble at the re- membrance of the holy, of the molt holy God ? This duty of fear is due to God upon fo many accounts ( even common accounts ) fromman, that we may conclude, Purely, every min fearethGod. Shall we not fear himwho is incomprehenfiblygreat in power and in judgment, and in plenty of juflice ? What! not fear him who made us, and preferveth us, who feeds and cioaths us ? What nor feat him in whole handour breath is,and all our wayes ? There, and manymore, are common accounts, .upon which all men may fee both reafen and their own engagement to fear God. So then, asbecaufe it is fomuch thedutyof a Son to honour hisFather,and of a Servant to fear his Mailer, therefore the Scripture iuppofeth all Sons and Servants doing it ( (Mal. ; 6. ) A Son honou eth 'his Father, anda Servant his Mader. He doth not fay,a Sonfonght to honour his Father, and a Servant his Malley; bur, he honoureth, or Bothhonour. That perfon deferveth not the narre of a Son that doth not honour his Father , nor is he worthy the nataie of a Servant that doth not honour his Màtier. Now, I fay, as the Scripture takes it for granted, upon this ground, the naturalnels Nnnn of