642 Vert-, 24. an Expottionwpon the Book of J o i . Chap. 37, of the duty, that every Son .honours his Father,and every, Servant his Mifler, fo it doch,and fo may we,that everyman feareth God. And doubdefs, if a Sonor Servant deferves not to bear the name of there relations," unlefs they honour and fear,Father and Mailer, how much lefs do they deferve to be called Men, whodonot fear God, the AlmightyGod I Again, from t hofe two particular heads, upon which this fear is grcunded ; Fi_R; Therefore, with refpe& to the power and jutiice of God ; Secondly, Therefore, with refpeet to the mercy and ce ndernetsof God, Note, Firf ; God is to be feared becaufe he is fo full of power and ju- Tice , then' efpecially, when byforce eminent andfpe- cial ail of providence, he declares his power, and is doingjai-fife. By how-much the more God puts himfelf fcrch in his power and junice, by CO much the more he is to be feared. 'Tis prophe- tic(' (Rev, t 5 ,3. )chat when God that Phew forth his great power, and execute the feverity of his juflice upon Antich ;ilk, then,íhey who (ballget the vil ory over the bean, and over his image, &c. fhallfng rho Sokg of(Mofes, thefervant of God, and thefingof the Lamb, paying, Great andmarvelous are thy worltj, Lord God Al- mighty, jío. and true are thywayes thou King of Saints. What folfoa ech ? Who(hall notfear thee,'p Lord, andglor fie thy Name ? The vengeance tobe poured upon Babylon will be to great a de monflration of -Gods power and juflice, that it will give oc- cat-on to all men, the faithful efpecially, yea, it will al upon them aloud to fear God : who [hail not fear thee ? M if he had fail, Purely there isno man fo flupid,fo flout -hearted, or Co hard- hearted, but if he fee God in,_orat this work,he will have dread- ful apprehenfons of him, and fear before him. Yet this is not fpoken of fuch-a fear as Chrift hath fo-e- told-fhall feize upon and poffefs the hearts of men before hi :_lorious appearing (Luke it a5, z6,) There fhall befignes in the Sun, and inure Moon, and in the Stars, aid uposr they Earth, d: n, eft of 2ations with perplexity, the Seaand the Waters roaring, mens hearts failing them for fear, Scc. It fhall not be (I fay ) fuch a fear, a heart- failing; but a heart- enlarging, fear; not fr*h a. fear as the have, or rather, as hath-