Chap. 37. 'an Evpofitior. upon theBook of O B. Verf. 2 643 bath them, who have their hope only in this life (thofe (hall fear with an amazing, defponding, dei }fairing fear ) he Lech a fear as they have, who, throughgrace, haverifen up to a fall asf prance of hope , or, are begotten again unto a lively hope, i y the refurreltioto of [efwe Chri.ft from the dead,t'o an inheritance ì ;.,, orruptible,and un- defiled, and that fadeth not away, referved in heaven for them, The fecond ground of this fear, is the mercy and gooddefs of God, who though he be thus powerful and juti, yet he will not aftiit, that is, he will not afflia without mercy and tendernefs to his people. !Hence obferve ; Cod is to befeared becaufe he isfogracious and fall ofcompaf. lion, even while he doth aff?iil. There is mercy with God not to aftlia,that's (paring naercy,and therefore he is to be feared ;there is mercy alto with God in mode- ratingour affliaións,that's fparing mercy too,and thereforehe is to befeared.The gracioufneis of God tr..anifefled fomtimes in fparing to afíli } us, and often in afifting us fparingly, fihouid move us to fear him both greatly and alwayes : and if (sparing mercy fiiould move us to fear him,thenmuch more f aculd forgiving and pardon- ing mercy. When the Lord (Exod. 34. 6, 7.) Pled by before tJWofet,and proclaimed, The Lord God, merciful and.grncictes, to ec - faffering,and abundant in goodnefe and truth,keeping mercy for thou- fands, forgiving iniyang, tranfgreffion and fin, &c. At thisprocla- mation of grace, cillefes (verf. 8. ) made has`t e, and bowedhis bead towards the earth and worfhipped. How gracelefs then are they, whowhen they hear that God is gracious, merciful, and a- bundant in goodnefs, fear him not, but grow wanton an;Ñ abuse his kindnefs! Now they who fear God,upon the due confiderarion, either of his power or goodnefs, find their hearts, Firfl, Much enlarged in the fervice of God, or in doing the work, and walking in the wayes of God Ufa. 6o. 5. ) Secondly, This fear keeps their hearts to a clofe communion with God (fer. 3t. 3a. ) I will put my fear in their heart-, and. they not departfromme. We ufually not onlydepart, but run from thofe whom we fear ; but the tale fear of God, Covenant- fear makesus cling about, and keep clofe to him. Noon 2 Third-