& 4 Vert. 74, u4nExpofition upon the Bock, of J o B. Chap. 37. _ Thirdly, î:his fear keeps up good thoughts, and highetiima- aionsof Cod in the evorfi times, or when he ispleafed CO bring the ;reat:a troubles upon us. An tfraelite indeed, who feareth the Lord and his goodnefs ( Hof. 3 5) will fay (let God do what he.will with ntm ) 'Truly God ás good to ffrael ( Pfal. 73. r.) Let us confider whether we have thefeeffects ofagracious fearwork- ing in our hearts upon the remernbanc bóth of the power, and mercy of Gad, 14íen do thereforefear him : He refpetheth not any that are wife in heart. There words (as-was touched before ) prefs the former duty of fearing.Cad, inferred from the greatnefs and'excellency ofhis power, judgment, juffice, and mercy, yet further upon us. As if he had laid, Mea do thereforefear him ; Why ? Becaufe, He re fpotleth not any that are wife in heart, that is, in general, he re- fpeas none who are fó wife, or"wife in fuch a way, as not to fear . him upon thofe fore- mentioned grounds, He refpel5eth not. The word is,feetb not. There is an elegant pa anomifie in- this verfe, the words which fignife to fear and to refped orfee, be- v"N, ing very near in found. God dothnot fee them with refped, itrre.. whodo not fee himwith fear : He feeth not any that are wife in heart. It cannot be meant ofthe ordinary fight of the eye, tliar,he feeth not thewife inheart'; God-feeth clearly who they are : Nor can it be meant of the common appreherfon of the mind, that, he knowerh-not the wife in heart ; God underfiands fully what they zre ; It muf?l be meant Ehen of a feeing with liking, or fpecial ap- probation : God feeth not thewife inheart fo, as to like or ap- p ove them. Our tranflation is full and clear to that fence, He refpetleth not,'or he regardethnot any that are wife in heart,,that is, he takes no notice of them,theyare not pleating to him. Or thus, He refpeF,feth not any that arewife in heart, that is, 'as they fear not hire, fohe is not afraid of them. He refpefeth not any that are wife in heart, Or, wife of heart. But fame may fay, Doch not God refpe&nor regard, doth not he raète notice of those that are wife of heart ? Whom.