Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. an c.tip, !.on upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 24. 645 Whom then Both he reipe& or regard ? of whom will he take notice, if not of the wife in heart ?'Hach the Lord any refpeó for fooles, for ignorant Men, for ideots, for forts r Surely men that are wi!e in heart, are nor only very amiable but honourable in theeyes of God ; Why then is it faid, He refjeEleth not any that are wife in heart? Íanswer, The wife in heart, are of two forts. Firfl, there are tonne wife in heart, who are fo only in their own opinion, in their own conceits or eyes ; they have great thoughts of their own wifdom,and therefore as they are apt tode- fpife men,fo they are far from the fear ofGod.There is a wifdorn in tom; men oppofed to the fear of God, whereas true wifdome in any man is the beginning of that fear, as that fear is called the 4egisvoing of wifdom ) The vulgar Latinevarieth , jibitit the former part of the yak, yet renders this latter part byway dentureffe ja-- of glofs,rather than tranflation, They that feem to themjelves to be riemes.L'u13,r. wife; and indeed the wife in heart, whom God refpecieth nor, are the proudly wife, the felfifhly wire, fuch as are wife only in therrafelves and to themfelves, fuch as have only' that wifdom which the Apofile calleth, the wifdom of the fieflo, or, the carral snind, (Rom. 8.7.) which is not fubjeil to the Law of God, nor indeed (tilimortified) canbe He that is carnally wife difputes the commands of God,, and takes, the boldeefs to cenfure his works; fuch wife menGod refpeaeth not, yea, they are under Ws great eft difrefpedi. Secondly, U.hers are truly wife, gracioutly,wife,wile for their fouls, wife for heaven, wife for happinefs, fubmitting their wifdom: to the will of God, and doing his will : They that ate thus wife in heart theLord refpe&s,: and highly refpetts-; how can he do' otherwife ? feeing this is thechara&er of God hirnfelf (fob,. 9.. 4'.) He- ù wife in heart, andmighty inffrength. And as God is wife in heart, fo acco ding to their line and meaCure, they that are gìrdly, ate wife in heart too. Therefore . takingour tranflation, the wife inheart intended by Elibis, mull needs be thofe that are only cat nally wife polirickly wife, na urally wifr,rhat is,wickedfy or at het vainly, or vain-glorioully tie. Furthe',nrould we take the wife in heart, for thore chat are truly wife,gracirufly wife, . yet it mull beeckno leded,that even hty ¡nay fo naif-behave themfeives,as to:nifs prefent reffea frornGod;. Anç#