Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

646 Vert'. 24. an É.tipoftion upon the Boc%of j o B. Chap. 37, And doubtlefs, Elihoc ebferving that Tob had fpoken fomewhat highlyof himfelf, and did not carry it humbly enough under the hand of God ( though his fpirit was broken and brought down at late ) checks him here, by telling him, God re,fpeEïeth not any that arewife in heart, no not him, in that cafe and frame of fpirir, as 'lifted up in his own wifdom. Yea, 'rakingwife in heart, in this be fence, for thegraciou(Iy wife, it is not for their wifdom and holinefs that God refpedeth or favdureth them. As he will not chaflife them without caule, nor corred them but for their good fo when he doth them good or raifeth them up, when he iheweth them any favour, or giveth them any mercy, he cloth it not for their iviCdom=fake,or holinefs- fake, but for his Sons-fake, or for his own Name-fake. Adsoffa_ vvoasr fromGod,.are purely from his free grace, not from am defect in man ; fo that every way his mercy is from himfelf, and unde- ferved by us. HerefpeEleth not any that are wife inheart. Firff, As the wife inheart f}and in oppofition to thole that fear God, fpoken of before, being fo Bout that they do not humble themfelves in his fear, Note ; True wifdom o alwayes joyned with the fear ofGad. Yea, as lob concluded (Chap. z$. 28.) The fear ofthe Lord, tkat is wifdom, and to depart from evil ( which none dobut they who fear the Lord) is under anding. Secondly, Note ; God regardeth no man for hie wifdom, who doth not fear him. Let menbe never fo learned and wife, never fo prudent and politick, if they have not the true fear of God before their eyes, he values themnor, he will not call an eye of favour upon them, they (hall have no countenance with him, no honour from him. The molt wife, the only wife God cares not for the wife(+of men, who ffand fo much upon their own underffanding, as to flout it out with him. He is not at all moved ( unlefs to difpleafure ) by their wifdom, who are puffed upwith a conceit of their wifdom. Third-