Chap. 37. an E.tpo tron upon theBook of j o a. Veri. 24, 647 Thirdly, When 'tis Paid, He refpelteth not any that we wife in heart, Note ; Wifdom, without thefear ofCod, will do no man goodat is s t, nor can it keephimoff from evil. Let no man think by his wifdom,policy, or fthbtilty,tokeep him- fell out of the reach ofGod. If men will not fear and honour him,. he knoweth well enough how to deal with them, and to recover his honour upon them.. NoteFourthly ; Let men be as wife and craftyas they will,. God is not afraid: of them, as ifthey could do him any hurt, orfpoil his de ignes, as if they could out-wit him, and over-throw his counfels. Some take upon them,as if theyby their wifedom couldhinder Godspurpofes,and counter-work him,as if they could over reach or undermine him. We are much afraid of wife men If fuch a wife man, if fuch a head- piece, be againfl us, we think furely he will works us a great deal of mifcheife. When David found his fon abfalom rebelling againff him,.and Achitopkel joyning with him, he prayed that God would turn his counted into foolaf1nefs. (2 Sam. 15. 31.) David feared that Achitophels going over to. Abfalom, might have carryed the wholebufinefs againfi him : But God doth not regard a whole conclave ofAchitophels, he cares not a flraw for their plottings and contrivings. The Lord is fo far from fearing the counfels of the wife in hearr,that he can deli roy them by their own wifdcme, and not onlyundoe their counfels, but un-- doe themby their counfels: The pit which they have digged,they (ball fall into it themfelves, and be entangled in the lime-twiggs. which they have let up for orho o. All this the holy Prophet in- tended when he laid of God (Ifa. 44. 25.) He frafiirateth the tokens of the lyers, and maketh the diviners mad : lie eurneth wife men backward, and maketh theirknowledge foolifh. Diviners grow mad when they fee things iffuingquite contrary ro their prediai- ons and expeaacions. He that can deffroy the wife with their own wifdom, needs not fear the wifdom of the wifeil. 'Tis che noblefl way of vacquilbing an enemy ,: when we wounds-hire with his own weapons,, and turn his own Artillery upon him,. Thus