Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

'-6-48 Verf. 2q.9 + B.t+poltior aeon the Book cf o B. Chap. 31. Thus God dealeth with the wife in heart they are nothing in his hands, they cannot put the leaf/ flop ro what he hatha purpofe todo; bur he can put a flop to all their purpofs. Thefoolsjheft of God (.faith the Apofffe,.i C'or, a . y s.) o wirer than men. He faith alio in the third Chapter of the fame Epitìle (verf t9.)7he wi/dome of thto world is foolsihnefs`with God ; for it is wriu en-(and that writing is taken out of this Book of lob, Chap: 5. T 3. ) He tá eth the ivtfc in their own craftinefs. And again, The Lord know- etn the thoughts 4f the wife , that they fore vaine ; and vain he knoweth them to be in a twofold refpe& : Firft, becaufe fitalull or evili in thernfelves ; Secondly, becaufe he knows how to make them barren or abortive,tuccefslefsand ineffectual canto the wifër So that they all become like molt Adventurersat a Lottery, go- ing out with.the;r heartsfull of hopes,butreturningwith their bands full of blarki , Difappoyntment, Difappoynttnenr,being written upon all their counfels and undertakings. Again, Taking the wife inheart for chafe,who are truly wire, godly wife, Learn, Fifthly; God will not forbear, when he Teethcaufe to of libl thole who are indeed the wifelt and holie/Jof men. Let no man think, that becaufe he is wife or holy, he mull not 'therefore be touched or medled with. Some conceive the chief delign of writing this Book,was to let us fee this truth, That let men be never fo holy, never fo upright, or godly, yet theymutt not claime priviledge from the crofs, nor complain when they are under ir, that God deals not well with them. In chis fob over- a &ed, fuppofing therewas no caufe why fuch a man as he, fhould have fuch fevere challenings and rebukes ; but let men be never fo wife, never fogood, God may fee caufe to lay his chafieuing rods upon them; and had the Lord nothing elfe to fay for it , his foveraigoty will bear him out in it againft the heft of men. The -clay mull neither fay to the Potter, why haft thou made me fo ? 'nor whyhaft thou marr'd me Í'©?Be pent 0allfiefh" (good aswell <as bad) before theLord. Lefty,