Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. an Expofít ion upon theBoek.of s. Vierf. 24. 649 Lathy, Obferve ; What-everfavour, what=ever mercy gad befioweth upon the helie.fb andwtfe.£b ofmen, he dch it not with refpec to any wifdóme,lolinefr,orgaodnefsirethem,but for kis own Name fake , or becaufe he will. Ile refpeífeth not the w fe in heart. No Iran can merit the leaft favour from God; his is free grace. All good 'corneth to us through the Son of his love, and it wasmeetly of his love, that ever his Son carne to us and dyed for us. There- fore let us not fay , fuch a one was a good man , fuch a one was an holy- man, therefore it was fo and fo with him. As what we are or can do cannot oblige him ( when he fees canle) from giving us corrt-ai)n, fo he is un obliged as to what we are or cau do, ingiving us falvation, whether temporal or eternal. He re, fpeaeth not the wife in heart. There are yet two other readings of the words, which I flratl fet before the Reader, and then conclude all. The word which we tranfiate refpeEleth, fignifying properly to is certe non in.. fee, fome keep to that propriety of ic, and render the text thus ; venúrapieotes, Hefeeth not all wife in heart that is, when the Lord looketh a quefcunq; fn moo. the childrenof men, he loth not find many, yea fcarce any tuètW Beza of themwife. Thus the fenfe runs in conneEion with the former part of the verfe, Menfhould befo wife as to flare. God, and not dif- pute any ofhis. proceedings; But he feeth or knoweth that all are not fo ; yea he findeth that agreat many, even the moll: of men by much are very fools. The truth is, all men naturally are no better (?fal. 14. 2. ) The Lard looked down fromheaven art the children of men, tofee if there were any that did tenderfand anti fiek,God; but he did not find one wife in heart among all the chil- dren of men, as Defcendants from the firft Adam. And when he cometh among the belt of men, men of a fecond birth , the feed and defcendants of the fecond Adam , he doll not fee them fo wife as to give him glory in everycondition,nor under every dif- penfation, yea,he finds a great deal of folly in their hearts. Tak- ingthis fenfe of thewords, Elihu feems here again to give lob a dole rebuke, as not having behaved himfelf fo wifely under his fufferings,as became a man profeñng the feare of God. 'Tis rare to.find a man wife throughout , a man having true ifdome of O000 heart, At