65o Verf., z4, 4n trfition upoh rl cok or 0 B. Chr.p. 3 7. heart, and o;dering himfelf according CO the rules of that vvif- dome, inall the turns and changes of his life. Secondly, The latter Part of the verfe is tranflared thus ; Men, though never p wife inheart, cannot fee him. fhis reading runs the eumontnisfspi. conitrtuaion of the wordsquite another way : The former laid, ens cords, vel Hefeet!) not all wife inheart ; this faith, (Men wfe in heart can- ton y debunt not fee him. The fence of which reading may be thus conceived ; eum fc:deum) The , n vuett men cannot fee, God, he is both invifible and incom- emnesppiemes torde. prehenfiblef. As men cannot fee him at all by fence, fo neither 1:44 erum ij.. can they comprehend him by reafon ; As the eye cannot take him jinn svidebit. in NA\ho is invifible, fo neither can a finite underflanding takehim in, who is infinite in underflanding. We have a fight of God through faith in this life : This Mofes flu; him who is invilidle (fhb. I I. 27.) We fee him heredarkly, through aslafr, the glafs of his word and works, of hisordinances andprovidences ( iCor. 3. 12. ) But the clear fight.of him face to face, the fight of him as be is, is referved to hereafter ( i Cor. 13. 12. i john 3. z. ) Thefe two latter readings of this latter part of theverfe, hold out ufefull truths for further meditation; but I adhere to our own as more clear in the original!, as allo more futable CO the fcope and intendnietat of the foregoing difcourfe. Elihu having laid this, fits down and is filent , leaving job to meditate upon and confider what he had laid. And now,no fooner had Eliha wound up his bntrome,and made as end, but behold, God began and took j4 in hand ; he fpake to him out-of the whirlvvind,at the beginning of the next Chapter, and brought him uponhis knees before he had done Vvizh him,as will appeare further,if the pa:ience of Godgive time and Opror- Punic y to go fo far. To him be all the praife and glory, who hath helped thus far. ame,. A TABLE