Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

THE TABLE. verancefrom affliction. 278. Hard to beep rsr feines fromflo in times of great öffll ,tion. 32o. Any,affliaì:- on is to be chofen rather thanfin. 3 27. Six wales ailicliongood : fin not ,tt alt. 328, 329. AiTliecion compared to cold weather. 495. God can 413i6t us by any ofhis creatures. 5 t 5. Inwhatfeu e God maybe faid not to afflc&, fhewed in foure things. 63_1, 63 2. Gad loth not sfflict man ias ek¿trcmit . 6 .; e; 4. God fometim thewifefi andholieft men, 643 Africa, calledAmmonia, andxihy.5 59 Aneflatius the Emperour flame with Thunder. .460 Anger, how the Lord is angry with his children, andvifts them in anger. 124,125 Apofates, their cafe defperate. 304; 305 Apteales to optfelves very convincing Arme, what itfgnifes in Seripture. 57 Artaxerxes, long- hand , whyfo called. 4' Athanafiur, his Paying concerning the trcublef me reigneof Julian. 6or Attila called thefcourge ofGod. 515 Attributes of God howdif inguiß t. 177 Augutlus Cxfar, his fearfulnefs of Thunder. 437 B Babylon,dangereue being in it, becaufe threat-Ned with falling, or with a all, 485 B-allancing or weighing three or fosare things which godis laid in Scripture toballance. 550, 551 Bath col , what. 6 Beafis ofthe earth, how they teachus. 75. How weare taught more than the bea is of the earth. 76, 77,79. Men obi-fometimes below the beets. 8 t. Beafts affelbedwith the provi- deuces of Gods); changes ofweather. 482. This a reproof to many men, Beholding afar of, may import foure things. 355 Belial, fog ofBakal, who. 16 Benefits, common benefits ofGod to be much acknowledged, r Blacrhemtng the nameofGod,what.34 Blood of Chrofl, what k;nd ofinners that will not ranfome. 304 Bounty of God, he this,ka nothing too goodfor his good fervants. 287 Breath-ofthe Lord, what, 496 C Catrel,forefhew weather - changes. 427 whyGodbathgiven themfachana- tural inflirct. 427, Chair, the .oan,e of one of Noafis foes, what itfignifies. 558 Changes, Cod gives warning of them. 42.5. Changes in all things, bock natural and civil. 564. Cha^get, the flute of tke righteous fubjet7i to them in thisworld. 122. 1' o con- ditionfobad, but God can change it to agood one, 248 Cliitoaiiancy s ats unwarrantable Art. 478 Choyce,