T HE TABLE. Choyce, fin muff not be oar choyce, what-ever we are put to chufe. 324 Church, why called Heaven in Scrip- ture. 57 3 Circumtlances increafrng fn. 229. C'onfideration o circutnttálaces do exceedingly_ heighten both oar fins and themercies of God. 361 City,two myftical Cities how built. 3 5 Clouds, their differences andfpreading. 399, 400. Threequeftions anfwe- red about the Clouds. 401, 40 2. Vfes-of the Clouds both natural and Jpirirual. 403. Clouds without wa- ter like the promifes ofthe world,4o 5 Clouds the Tabernacle ofGod.407 Thefame wordfsgnifieth a hand and a Cloud, why. 417. Cloud, how it may be faid to be wearied. 500. Preachers of the ',fiord compared to Clouds. 5o2. Clouds are moved by the conafel ofGod. 505, 507. Clouds have their work, orfomwhat to do. 5o8. Clouds are faithfull fervants, they do all that GodCom- mands. 508. Inferences from tr. 509, 510. Clouds featfor corre- Elion. 5 15i. 516. 'lis a divine power which ballaasetb the Clouds. 550 Cold comes at Gods call. 495. Cold how bothufefull andhurtfull. 495 Cold compared toaifiill'ion in the e f fells of it. 495, 496. Cold is a firaitner. 498. True in fpirituals as well as in naturals. 498 Co nmand ofGod twofold. 233 Conicicrce, how terrible to be ander the terrors of it when God as angry. Confiderarion, what it is. 5 2 5. Con- fideration oppofed to two things. 5 29 Converfion, what done to afanner in it. 39 Covenanr, the banefit ofthenewCove- nant. 140 Creation, the foie work of Cod. 567. 4'n Inference of comfort from it. 56a Creature,that God bathmadea man a new creature, a flrong plea with God. 69. Creatures neceffary to one another,but none to God,4.4,44 i Cod can correEE sa by any of his creatures. g 1 ç. God bath a care ofall his creatures. 5 1 8. God dif- po fetdo the motions of everycreature. 536 Crying, of three forts. 264 Cutlome takes away admiration. 5 34.' D Danger, every creature world get oat of danger,or harmer-way. 483. In- ferences from it, both for tnftrutlion and reproof. 483, 484 Darknefs twofold. S78. Improper datk- nets tab en foare gayer in Scripture. 579. Darknefs or oblsurity how in theYrord of God. 586 Death, they who live like the wicked (hall have their death. 272. Death: how an*ending. 31 3. How fad their condition is, who feelerelief by death. 316. To with fard'eath in mot a vain wifh. 317. Deathwhen terrible. 610, Deliverance from evil is the worker 409 s ( a,