T H E T ABLE. Fstrers and Bondy, what they fagni f e in . Scriptu>e, 220 Finitdiin° of a thing two-fold. 241 Fore -feting ofevil, bow by a prudent godly man. 427, 428 F. oil, how like afhes. 473. what frofì is. 496. why thefameword figni- fie.r froti and baidnefo. 496. Froft the gift of god, 497 G Garments, what the Hebrewwordfg- ni f er, and how it leads us to confider our firf fall in Adam. ,5 58r 559. Afour-fold fife of garments. 559, 560. That our garments warm us it from the blefngof God. 56o Gift,aGifr,what? 40. Nothingcan be given to God or received by him as any addition to him. 42143. Glory of Cod, theend ofall his work!, 364 God', is expreffed in Scripture by a word ofthe plural number, and what that may import. 65. God, no un- righteoufnefr in thedealinxs of God with man. i i. God felf-fnfficient needs zìotihing, receives nothing of man. 42, 43. Heathens had fuck apprehentions ofGod. 44. Four in ferences from it, 44, 45. HowGod is or may befeen. I03, 104. Sight or difcovery of God to the foul very Tweet. 104, God kyows the right ofevery mans caufe, andwill do every man right. 109, WhomGod doth toot, whom he doth defpife, ? 70, '171 God bath a due regard to all forts of men. 571.. God hash a wonderfüll Magnificent heart or Spirit. 184, The magnificence ofGods heart d'ifco vered in three things. 184, The wilt of God the Rule of righte- ouf.efr. ;46. His ridhttotfnefs in all rhinos. 347. flow God, may be faid to encrea(e. 368. Greatnefs of God. 369. In what fence God is rot known. 373r 374 God eternal. 378. , God is a liberal 'houfe- keeper. 453. iWeti- ons of all creatures under his com- mand.- 4.50. It is eaf1e to God to do great things. 465. God can do all with to word. 473. Inferences. from it. 47 3. God is very liberal, soI. God is not only a (toff but a bountifroll moefer, ç 20 God perfe b ksowledOe, the perfethion of his knowledge (hewed(even wayes.. 553, 554, Fiveinferences from it. 554, 155. How men fpeaking to God Mug be fwaflowedup,fhewed in three things. 594. Howwe may fpeakto himandnot 6e fwa/lowed up,unlefs ii his Pate. 594. HowGod cannot be found ont, 614. In what he cannot be found out, (crewed feveral wares. 615; 6 i 6. Three inferences from it. 617. Power of God excellent two wages. 619. God cannot be fern. 650. Godly, not alivayesfen fb.'e of their de- fearandfailings in grace. _ Y.2R Good men'apt to nnal`e fad cenclufons againflìhernfelver, Ion.. Good, doing good. They confait their own good bell who do moll g-od.,