THE. TABLE. 248. Three fruites of doing good.! 248' Gofpel light, how it kath removed or been tak!n from many places. 421. Grace , free to the bell and wifeft 649 Grearnefs, thegreat God is no enemy to greatneiS,ar (ach, 182. Thegre'at- neCsof God, wherein. 369, Seve- ralinference; from the greacneís of God, both for dircúion andconfolati- on, 369 H Hand ofGod and man, how they differ. 41. Hand andflrength /ìgnified by the fameword. 473 Hard things cafe to Cod. 465 Hearing twofold. 440 Hearer, agood hearer of the word may f metimes want an awakeningword. 524. `Patience neceffary in á good hearer, and that in a double refpebl. 5 25. Compofure of Spirit necefary in a hearer. 527 Heaven, how to be looked upon. 26, 27. TheHeavensare a divineglafs,a na- tural Alphabet, &c. 28. Heavens declarefive things concerning God. 20 Heavens are flrong and tranfparemt. 570. Heavens as a looking-glafr, how. 571. In the Heavens we may fee God in five of his excellencies. 571, 572. In them we may feeessr felves. 572, 57+- Heed fulnefs, how neceffary. 318. Five things to be heeded, 319 Hell, howboth large andfreight, 18r Hidings of god, the lot fornoetirass of goodmen. 105 Hypocrite, anhypocrite in heart, who meant by it, (hewed in three partites- fars, 257, 255. The bad condition or a hypocrite inheart, fet out in three things. 259. The hypocrite in heart groynes w rfe by affliçlion. 261. Policies of hypocrites will a- vail them nothing. 262. God ex- treamly angry with them.. 262)263. Hypocr ices humble not themfelves though God humble them. 265. The clo/cf hypocrite (hall fare no better than the deboifes'Iflamer. i 273 jerufalem, warning ofits ruine by the Romans. 425 Ignorance, what ignorance incon,ßf#ens withgodlinefs, 253. Heedlefs ig- norancean undoing to many. 2 5 5. Ignorance is darknefs. 531. Six things which a man cannot fee how to order becaufe ofthe darknefsof ig- norance. 581, 582. Three infer- ences from it. 582, 583. Duties arifng from this notion ofignorance. 583, 584. Muchdarknefs ofigno- rance remains in the belt while in this world. 584. Three inferences from it. 585. Ignorance is agreat hindrance in our approaches to God. 585 Impatience anddi/lruf, provoking fins. 121. Nard tokeep from impatience in hard times. 320. Impatience ottr