Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

THE TABLE. our fn, though troublesgreat. 32.1,1 3271 Impenitent perfons, their danger. 304 Iniq;ity and a vaine thing expreffed by I the fame word. 23 3, 2 34, 319. To have any regard to iniquity zs the Key of the Cl.uds in gods hand. 39-1 mark ofa wickedman. 3 22 Intercetlion, what it is. 419 Judging, it is our duty to judge our felves. 99. Three things required to et right fclf-judging. 99,160. judging prefer ves .us from rafh judging thewayes of Godor his deal- ings with us. roo. Self-judging keeps its humble. sot. Judging or tojudge, taken three wayes in Scrip- ture. 41 Judges, blind two wayes. 6 2Fa Judgment taken three wayes in Scrip - ture. ion. Judgment of the wicked, in what fenfeagood man may be fail to fulfill it. 290,2.9! .Judgment day terrible to fanners. 6 s o. Judgment taken four wayes in Scripture how God excels in every one of them. 62t. why God doth not prefently execute judgments upon the wicked. 625 Julians purpofe ofhaving the'Temple at Jerufalem rebuilt prevented by an earthquake and thunder. 4,61 Jufliceof God. i 08,ro9.God is righte- ous though it appearnat. no. That god is jug fhould caufe us to train. bust. 214. Ju(iice and fudgment bow or whether they differ. 292. Theri is no, avoiding divine Ju(iice. 294. Juf ice a fcarce commodity among men. 626. Plenty ofJuflice in God, fhetvedfive waycs.6z7,6z8. Two Inferences from it, 629 b Know, to know taken three wayes. t ?7: Nor to knob, or we know not, fagnt flesh two things. 463 ft is a7hasm not toknow force things. 5 38. It it a preforopticn to Peek the knowledge o fother things. 5 3 8 Knowledge, not to do according towhat we kne}v,ins very fhamful.8z .Know ledge fetcht from afar, what. a 43, 144. Knowledge is worth our long- eft travel. 146. that the pe-fefii- on ofknowledge is, or who is per- fat inknowledge. t 57, t 5 8.Kncw ledge ofGod. 175, 176. In what fence a good man may dy without knowledge. 253, 254. In what fencepod is not known by any. 37 3, 374 Inferences from it. 3 5 c. Tee -this muff not di(courage sss in fecking after the Knowledge ofGod, nor will it excufe any who negleEt to know him. 376. eillen know little ofthe works or wayes cfGod. 5 3g, Know- ledge but inpart here. `584 L Land,wkat LandGod efpeciafly owns as 517 Law, no iniquity in acing accordingto o Law. 346 Life,fhortnefs ofit. 382. Yet man bath an Eternity to wattfor. 38 Pppp Ligbx