THE TABLE. Light within us ofgreat force. 5. How that Principle sr abutd. 6. , Light, Godloves to entitle himfelf fa Light. 4 r 0. Light about fevers things need- ful in thofe who come to God in any duty. 585. Light properly not feen. 596. Light of Cods countenance fonsetimes hidden. 598 Lightning , what it is. 449. 77" things wonderful in it. 449. The fwiftnefs ofit. 451 Look and fee , what chofe two words joyned import. 24 Looking- glafs, how the heavens are fo. 57! Love to God fhouldbe great becaufe he irgreat. 370 Luthersgodlyfear and refolastion. 288. Luthers meditation, upon a Cloud. 405. Luther jaw a circular Rain- bow. 543. His opinion when the Rain-bow began. 544 M Magif}rates, why calledfh:eldsin Scri- pture, not [words. 61 Magnifying of Cod two wayes,` 350. Our rnagnifying the works of God a mo neseffaryduty. 35R. How or when we magnifie theworks of God, (hewed in five things. 359, 36o. Five forts faire in magnifying the works ofGod. 3 65, 3 66. Three mo- tives to it. 367 Majefly and glory of Cod, man not able to bear it, 592. Majefly of God. 606. It is terrible, 607. Two in- ferences from it, 6o8 Maker, God is fo to 144 threewages, 65, 68. It is good to look to God as our Maker at all times, fpecially in afli- llota. 67. Five duties from theconfi- deration that God is our Maker. 68. God is to be honoured as our Maker, 15o. The Maker of all men canbe unrighteous to no man, a5 a Meditation, two things fhould be the dailyMeditationof a Chriflian. 241 Meeknefs, to be high in Power and meek in Spirit, 'hews a Godlike spirit. 172 Men, in what fence all men are atïte, 5o.Shewedin four things, 50. Men oftwoforts. 353 Mercies ofGod, unlefs we are bettered by them, it had been better for us not to have received them. 364 Merciful menhavefpecinlfavours from God. 521 Merit, no merit in the bell of men. Mightymen apt to defpife otheri. 173 Mightinefs ofman four-fold, 57. Migh- t inefs ofGod in two things, or of two forts. 16o. The mightineÇs of God fet forth in fevers afertions. 16 r, 16z. Five Inferences from the mightinefs of SÌod. 164, r65. Miracles, Goddoth not Mir acles to pre- ferve or deliver the wicked. 19 , 192. Miracles as tafle to Godas his ordinaryworks, 535. Mode atior. ofspirit proceeds from true great nefs of Spirit. t 86 Modefty agreat vertue, and thegrace of all our graces, * 5 8 Motions of the creature, moll violent and