Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

THE TABLE. and in appearance contingent, under , Opprefforsmind not God. 62 thedominion ofGad. 45o Oppreffed perfns -Will be crying and complaining. 86. Some under Op)- N pre'lïon do not hug but cry and com plain. Name of gad, what. 73 Nature, worksof God in nature ought to befearched. 145 Neceility,no man neceffitated to chofe afanfurevil. 283 Negatives in Scripture often carry a frongafirmation. 153, 187,188. Nero, hisTeeming clemency. 631 Night, Godgives his people occafions of relating ix the night as well eu in the day. 71. Godgives his people a rejoycing frameoffpirit its the night. 72. Night takn two wayes. 3 t 2 North-wind makes fair weather. 6o3. why promotion is fail not to come out of theNorth. 605 O Obeying and bearing expreffed by the fame word. 237 Obedience due to the call of Godeither by his wordor work. 237. Obedi- ence to Godprofitable to. man. 247 . Noobediencewhere nofervice, 250, Good menfail in obedience. 25 a Opprefiìon ofthree forts, 5 66. Oppref- fion a common fin. 58. Oppreflìon is a trying fin, 59, Tower is com- monly abufed toopprefQn. 59. Yet whenpoor opprefs,that worst. 5 9,6o. It is beat to have recourfe to God when oppreffed by men. 67. Op- preffion cannot bring down the pride ofman, 68 P 87 Pardon ofgreat fans, what may encou- ragees to a_kit. 72. he great- nefs o fpardoniris, Mercy inGsd.6 34, 631 Paffron, not to be quietedbut byReafon. 38a Perfe ion two-fold. 157 Perfwafion, what it is. 280 Pleafure diflingnifliedof, iu - t plea- lures to fpcnd our dayes i; a mercy. 243. How that Prornife offtendiny their dayes in pleafure, is madegood to thegodly. 245, 246 PlentyandScarcity are at the difpofe of God. 414. Godufeth naturalmeans as thecaufe either ofPlenty or Scar- city. 414 Poor inSpirit how pleafing toGod,19 5, 196. Poor taken two wayes in Scri- pture. 195. Poor 'hag have right done them by God. t 97. Objeilions anfwered. 198,199 Poverty it fellan afl;Eliott, and the poor of ieled by others. 194, 1 96. Power ofgreat ufe to do good, and`a great temptation to dobad thing,.. 6o Power of threeforts. 3 3 5. They who have Power are apt to do wron4.347 Power of God in commanding and worlZnT,how excellent! Prayers of theproud and impenitent are, not heard 89, 92. The Prayerss f PPPP 2 vain