THE TABLE. vain perfons are vain things. 93. what prayers arevain, fhereed in fe- venparticulars. 93, 94. How mirth God,values holy prayers,fhewed three wayes. 66 Holyprayer not aiwayes prefently anfwered, but never difre- garded. 96. A dreadful judgment not to have prayer regarded. 97. Not topray in time of affl:Tlion, very finful,(hewed in three things. 267. Prayers of the wicked not efleemed by God. 307 Praire, Godfearfull in praifes. 61.1 Prefurnptuous fm, what. 3 5 Presumptions of evil men defcribed. ro6 Presumption to do or (peak amifs, not fearing God fhouldknow it.- 589 Pride, oppreffion'cannot bring down, the proud heart of man. 88. Pride abad Mother of threebad children. 169. Prideand high- 'reindeduefs thefame. 458 Proanifes, force make them net minding toperform them. 629. Four things aferibed to God in Scripture which mare us he willperform his promi- fes. 6 30 Promotion cows iefoally in a ferret way. 6o 5 Proncunes, mine, thine, have agreat em ha :s. Propanipg the Nameof God, what. what. 742. Trom;fe3o outward prorperiry, *oft in the Old To:garment. 246. Outwardp: ofpe- rirygiven many Godly. 283 P:orcitirn of Clod towards man, two- I fold. 191 Providences, when they feem to croft Promifes and Prophefics, yet tra b. 113 Providential care of god towards his people is perpetual. 206. Some works of Providence veryplain. 3 57. The Providence ofGod reacheth te all * places, 453. The Government of theworld N as much of Cod as the creation ofit. 5 36. Heathens dark about Providence , elfcribed all to Fortune and fecond Cages. 5 3 6 , 537. Comfort te the godly that all things are under the Providence of God. S 37 Q Quelien, one question put more than twenty times to Job, and why. 535 uietners of the ,Air, mach more of mens Hearts,is of God. 562. Chrifl can make the heart quiet in the midfir of all out ward urge; ernefs. 563- R Rain, five things fpeken of i t. 3 84, 385.Riin comesfirib -from theearth 388. The caufes of Rain. 389. Godcan withhold the Rainwhen he pleafeth. 3 i 9. Four Inferences from it. e9r, ì9;: That thewaterfalls from Heaven in drops of Rain is of God. 393. God bath flore ofRain is his treafur y. z 97. Rain, a oem- pari fn between that and the Word of God, 397, 398.Raio fa" all andgreat 47 a.