Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

THE TABLE. 472. Great Rain of Godsftrength, 51, 52. Cautions about it. 53. what. q.71. In what quantity fo-I Righteoufnefs, when andhow ',Jeri, ever the Rain falls, it to by the fpe- bed to God. eial appointment of God. 475 For Rods oftwoforts, what parpofis Rain isfeut.519, Rain sendeferved, 'tis of free mercy that we have Rain. 520 Rain-bow, theJgni ficationof it. 542, 43 The forme and caufe of it 147 514 S Scholars great, not alwayes the unfelt men. 177 why exprefjid in the Greek Scourge, God can make any creature a S43 fcourge to man. 41 2 by a word that ftgnifieth tofpeal, or Seai`.ca Scripture bath a threefold .(hemforth. 544. whether the Rain- b P bow were before the flood. 544,545. fignification. 476. Sealing tip of the The fìtnefs of the Rain-bow to afiere l hand, what it fgnileth. 478 September, how expreffed in the He- brew, andwhy. 448 Servant, what itfgni foes, every believer a Servant. 238 Service and worfhip often the fame in Scripture. 237. God expe/as our fervice, and then efpecially, when *e. fifer under his hand. 237. Yo ferve cod robat, or the fervice of God defcribed. 238, 239. To ferve God oar Freedom. 24Q. Service of God pleafant and enfie in a twofold refpeEt. 240. Service of God not lean bat profitable. 240, 241 mercy, fhewed in jeven particular, 545, 546 Ranfom, what it is, feveral forts of tt. Nothing but the blood of Chrift can ranfom inners, nor will that deliver Pine Inners. 304 Remember, taken two wayes, 349 I Reward and panifhment, without them Religion would vanifh. 14 Riches,God regardeth not men for their riches or any outwardgreatnefs.306 309 Right, howGod gives it the poor. 195 Ri h ahteous three ways. D teous,martrin 39 A two-fold notion of the rIghre7, Sight of 'od taaa-fold, immediate., me- ous. 21. The Righteous alwayes ¿jolt', andthat by a threefold means. under Gods eye. 202, 203. Righ- teous highly efteemed and exaltedby God, 213 Righteoufnefs effential to God, i r Righreoufne's oftwo farts. 8,9. The righteou'ínefs or righteous al-icings of men contribute nothing to God. 41. Three grounds ofit. 42, 43. How andwhom righreoufnefs dash profit. 202. The G,uht of God, or h:s d, of himfeifte auveryfweet to the the foul. Y04 Signes of charges 4..n the weather, and other natural things. 424. Infe- rences from it as to other things.424 Signes why given by God. 549 Sin, how finful it is to fay, there is no profit inleaving fin, 17. The belle- 12$