Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

THE TABLE. Sun in its brightnefs cannot be looked upon. 6o 2 Swearing, the Lordsfaying as much as his fwearing. Sword, how taken in Scripture. 251 549 T Tabernacle, what. 407, 408 Teacher, God is pleated to be a Teacha ofhis people. 3 3 8. The teachings of God above all teachings. 339. How God exceeds all Teachers (hewed in (even things. 3 3 9e 340. Three Inferences from it. 342, Several Evidenees of oar 12434eg Peel taught of God. 342, 343, s44. Teaching, 'Tis mans fhame when he as not according to the teachings ofgod. 82. Teaching is to make us knowing. 576. There are two fortsofperfans who call for teaching. 577 Terriblenefs of God to 'inners in four dales. 609 Thundering Legion. 46o. Thunder a terrible thing. 436. Thunder the Voyce of god. 440, 442. Thunder called the Voyce of god in a twofold refpelI. 442. Six Infe- rencesfrom it. 44.3. Word of God like Thunder, (hewed infive things. 444. Thunder Gods Herald. 454. Thunder, how it followeth Light- ning. 454. why wefee the Light- ning before we hear the Thunder. 454. Six degrees or forts of Thun- der. 455. Thunder defcribed. 457 Marvels in Thunder. 460. The ejfefIs of the Word Iik' Chofe of Thun- der. 461, 462, Two Inferences from st. 464 Tiberius the Romano Emperour, hit Charatler. 63o Time at the difpofeofGod. 379 Trembling, what. 436. Great ap- pearances of god fhould make us tremble. 437. A fourfold trem- bling. 437,438 Troubles arefireights. 2.8 r, 282 Trut ing in Coda Duty in darkefb times. i r 2. Trull in God fixes the heart, i r 3. Some not to be trufied. 114. We fhauld trua God more upon exrerienee of rshat he bath no'''. 365. The eternityof Godaground' oftan-ling him. ;So Truth will prevail though many be a- gaini it. 23. No matterofwe are alone, fo Truth be on our fide. 23. Somefpeak Truth with falfe hearts,, othersfpeakfalfly with a trueheart.. 15 3, To fpeaktruth a highcommen- dation of the Speaker. 154. Truth taught us by God, four offetís of it. X42, 343, 344. Some Truths arm fpecially to be attended to, 524 u Valentinian , his zeal and advance- ment. 2 r 3 Vanity, what a,'ivlo., cj Vining of three forts. /19, Underfianding, how an underflandin,, man may be faid roc to underí1and. 81. LlprightnefS,, That which is not done, uprighely5»