Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

THE TABLE. up :igittly;will notbe done eonffantly, preferved by the Wind. 599 Spo- 266 rot cf God compared to the Wind. 6o1 w WiCe in heart of two forts. 645. In what fence God refpeèbeth not any thatare wile. 645, 646. God re- gardeth not the wife} men who do notfear him. 646, The wi ea men cannot hinder the Cow:felt of God by their wifdom and policy. ,647. Thoughts of the wife. van in two re- fpel7s. 648. Nonew fe by nature, nor are any perfeôfly wive in this world though they havegrace. 649 wifdonte, how afcribed to the Fowls of the Air. 77. The Wit-don-4e of Fowls, &c. is of God. 78. Wif- dome ofGod, wherein t6e fireitgth o f it confffs. t 75. How God is only wife. 177,178. Wiìdorne praili- cal, what. 177. Six Inferences from: the Wifdoate of God. 174, ISo Wilkes, we apt to make ffrangewifes in times of dif refs. 3'5 Words, rafh words talonedagainfi the Speaker. 12. Sharp words fops- times wog profitable. 13. Word of God, how like Rain. 397, 398. Word of God preached, how like thunder, filmed in five things. 444. when the Word of God is duly at- tended, fhewed in three things. 445 Three degrees of the Words comers Waiting on Clod in hardefi times. I 1 2 I1 3. Warnings, God gives them before he fendsgreat judgments. 42 5,426. Warning, ÿodgives warning before he f rikes. 455 Water of two forts. 388'. Waver held up in the Air by the Power cf God. 392 Way ofGod, what it is. 345 Whirlwind, what. 489 Wickednefs, what. 47 Wickedmen out of Gods Proteîlion, he takes not care of them. 189. How Clod doth and doth not preferve the lives of the wicked. 189, 190. Wicked not fo much preferved as refcrved. 191. Wicked men of two forts. 192. Their life fad. 192. God will at 14 utterly deffray them. 193. God will not be taken off' by dny outward refpeEEl from delroying them. 301 Winds, four Cardinal. 487. what the Wind is. 489. Winds come at Gods appoyntment. 489. God makes a twofold ufeof the Wind. 490. Six safes of it for mercy, or for the good éf man. 49o, 491. winds the Broomes of Heaven. 490. Af}iict- ing effeEfs o f the Wind. 492. Seven wonders ob(ervable in the Winds. 493, 494. what the Wind is.598. Caufes of the Wind. 599. Life taus. 445+ 446. Word of God, how it may be laid to be dark. 586 Works of God in Nature to be exaEfly confdered, efpecially the Heavens. 26. Some works ofGod beyond our appre.