THE TABL apprehenfion. 466. Two Infereroce.c from it. 467. Nlen flow to confider the works of God. 480. Cod would have all men ftudy his works. 480 God flops men in their work, that they may confider his works; 48 L Works of God ofall forts to be con - dered. 5 29, 530. How the works of God are to be confidered, (hewed four wayes. 53 t . Inference from it. 532 The common and ordinary works ofCod are full ofwonder, 5 3 3 Works, good works hewprofitable to ourfelves and others. 52, 51. Work,oursfhewed us byGod inaffli- ïlion in a two-fold refpeht. 223. Sin is properly our work. 224. The faulttnefs of our work moll clear- ly difcovered- in .afflìllion. 225. Works ofGod of all fortsare to be magnified. 35a. Worksof G dvi- fibre er invifible. 353. c.31en apt toforget and bave low apprehenfions of the works ofr3od. 356. It is our duty to magni f e the works of God. 358. Flo; they aremagnifed, ¡then- cd five wayes. 359,60. 7 he Ends of God in and wo k mneh to be eyed. 363. What theft Inds are. 364, 3 -65 W0-13, a godly man is conte, t with a littleof, but not fat is fled withallthe world. 288 Worldly comforts and mercies, may foon racer with a fl p. 4 r 9/ Wrath ofGod, what and where. 296. Wrath appears in works of fudge- ment. 297. We fhould by all means beware of the wrath of God. 298. Wrath of(.3:J a fire, infinitely more dreadful than fire. 299 Y Years, the meafure ofmays Life,not of . Gods. 377, The word in Hebrew fignifleth changes, and why. 377 Youth, to die in youth, what, fkewed three wayes. 269. Q-999 A TA-