ittt77tifgtfJatOIll 7kAtfSlÿtTfJ:A+T,CTi17A TO T[?, Chriflian R TO Thofe Efpecially of this C I T Y who havc,; been THE PROMOTER S Of this WORK SIRS, Aving, in the 'Prefatory Epiftle to theformmer p art letforth the ft ate oft` efi.. three Chapters here pre- fented andexpounded,to- gether with the general fcopeofElihu thefpeak- er) in them ; be pleafte to lookbac 'thither for fonte help towards your fatisfaCtion in thole points. , All that IO ll entertain you Witb in this Addrefs , is only to 0 000;1000p 0 0 \t i . ; , , C., ; I . ji ' O ó è.t ;. -.. 'A . o 0 O a B 0 0 0 0 01 es