Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Ililll : 66 Chap. 35. an Expofstiox open the Broke/. .1 o a, l7erf, io, H ti IF 7)eurfans'ta Remember row thy Creators in thedayes of thy rrnth. But though eh` the Scrip-ure fpeaks of God fometimes in the fingular,fometimes Ad verburn. in the plural number, yet the fence is alwayes fngular. The trne Dii Mont: pfe. God being but One, and the onemofi one, and therefore the plu- ral word(Elohim)is alwayes rendred in the .fingular number God, where mention is made ofthe true God ; they having regard tat the true meaningor Divinity of the Text, not to the Grammar, or terminationof the word. There are ufually two reafons given by learned tranflarers and interpreters, why the true God who is but one in effenceand being, is fo often expreffed in the Hebrew text plurally. Firfi, to ininuate or intimate unto us that Great and glorious myflery of the Bleffed Trinityofperlons in theGod- head ; I fay, to inciniate it, we cannot make a full or convincing proof from it aganfiany Antitrinirarian Adverfary;becaufe though the word elohim notes a plurality, yet we cannot by any force of the word, determine that plurality precifely to a Trinity, that mull be done by other Scriptures, ofwhich we have an abundant Bore to flop the mouth of all gainfayers. Secondly, they tell us, This plural word is ufed to let forth the honour of God, accord- ing to the ufage of Kings and Soveraigne Princes ( calledGods ) who fpeakof themfelves ( though finrle perlons) in a plural Bile, We and Vs. But I conceive, neither is this cogent-, though both this and the former may be pioufly improved. So much for the opening of there words, Nomaxfaith, where is God anyNA!). ? Hence observe. Firfi , tillany cry and complain in à î; on, but look, not to God in affifon. (Dent. 32. 18.) Ofthe Rock that begat thee thou art unmind- full, andhaft forgottenGod that firmed thee. Which as it is often verified in times of peace, plenty, and profperity,fo not feldome m times of trouble, preffure, and affli6lion. Yea, there are fame who cry and complain in afflieîion, yet nunaway from God in af- fliiion, ( Hof. 7. 14.) They have not criedunto me with their heart, when they bowled open their beds ; they offamble tbensfelve for corne andwine,and they rebel! agaixfb me. Thereare fo far fron feeking God indeed, or faying , Where is our maker, with theil that they rebell againil him,while they would be relieved and fed by him. How frequently, even at this day, do force men (forme