Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3 t, e4 s Expofttion than theBook o f J o'z. Verf. t o. Ronne, and fret, and rage, little mindingGodin their aH3i&'ions, though formally orvocally calling on him, 'Tiseafie co complain, but hard topray in aday of trouble. The Jewes are reproved for their regardlefnefs ofGod , while they made great preparations in a time of danger and war, eirof a feared liege, (Ifa. z z.S,&c.) Thoudedß leak in that day to the armourof the bosfe ofthe forrefi ye haveteen alts the breaches of theCityofDavid, that they arc many, &c. And the houfes have pbroken down tofortifie the wall : To madeal fo a ditch between the two wallsfor the water of the old pool, &c. Here were politick warlikepreparations, yet God was tittle thought upon in all this ; as it followed}, (v. II. J But ye have not lookedante the maker thereef, neither had refpetl tinto him that fafhioned it long ago. 'Tis thus with the moil of men ; when outward mifery comes upon them , what crying ? what working is there ? yet little returning to God,little turning into their own hearts. Secondly , Note. When men opprefi andvex us, it is heft to have oser recourfe to God, and apply to him. That counfel, Look tome and bepaved, (Ifa. 4T. az. ) is true of temporal as well as of eternal falvation. God is our bets friend at all times, even in the befl times, and it is belt to look to him in the wora times. Davidcould fay, ( Pfal.73.28.) when flefh, and firength, and heart, whenall fayled him; It is good for me to drew near to God. Let our condition be what it will, but efpecial- ly if we are in a bad condition, it is good, yeabeíi to go to him whohath our times, that is,all the, changes of our condition in his 'hand, to him, in whole hand the arme of the mighty is , and in whole hand alone there is might tohelp and deliver us from the arme of the mighty. Is it not bell to look ro him in aft i tion, who caneither fupport us in, or bring us out of our afflittlion as pleafeth him? He that madeus can prote61 and fave us; therefore in every pinching firait,in every preflingdanger, let us go to God in faith andhope, and he will either give us enlargements, or do us goodby and in our wotfl and greatefi firaits. Thirdly , Note. As it is good, whenat any time we are in trouble to look, to God, fo we fh uld then lookto God,fpecially under this relati- on, as he is our Maker. K z It