Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3 ç. an xpaftron span the Bookof J o B. Verf. 1 a. fay I or do I what -1 will; you neither embrace feafons of grace and offers of mercy, nor do ye labour either to prevent or to a- voyd thole florins of wrath and divine vengeance, with which ycu have been Often threatned, and which hang in the cloucs ready to drop down and overwhelme you. And will ye fay after all this, we are wife, when the fowls of the air appear wifer than you ? And will you fay, the Law of the Lord is withus, when they cuide themfelves better by the Law of nature ? And forafmuch as it is thus with you, have I not reafon to conclude, char, Lo,cer= tainly in vaine made he it, thepen ofthe Scribe is ix vaine ; that is, it was to little or no purpofe that Prod at firtl ena&ed and pub- litired his Law, ( Exod. zo.) or appoynred Scribes to write ir our, that Copies of it might be transferred to and read by his people, ( Dent. 17. i 8. Chap. 31.9.) Is not both the making and writing of the Law vaine, (as to you) feting ycu are thus vaine and foolifh, evenmuch more vaine and foolith than the Stork in the l:- leaven, than the Turtle, Crane, and Swallow, not- withf}anding the making and writing out of the Law for you ? This will fill the faces of the wicked, that is, both of the pro- phane and formal proleffors of the Lords name, with (llame and confufien for ever, when they (hall bemade to fee and confeffe, that the beafls of the earth have followed their light, better than they, though God bath taught them more than the beatas of the earth ; and that the fowls ofthe air have carried t hemfefves mo:'e wifely than they, though God bathmade them :viler than thefords of the air, Verf. 12. There they cry (but nonegiveth anfiver) lecaufe of the prideofevil men. When Elihra had thus clofely hinted the fin of chofe perfc ns that a&ed below beads And birds in their afHiaions, he proceeds to tell us , what they do in their affil &ion ; There they cry (hut none iveth anfwer.) We tranflate thefe words; Bat none oiveth anfver, in a parenthefis; we may read the verle without ir, and transferre thole words to the end of the verfe, There they cry,, becaufe of the pride of evil men , bat none giveth anfwer.. That is, a: fonte give the meaning) they being oppreflred bythe pride of evil men, cry out of their infolencies, and their own miter ies,, andyet can get no aanfwer ; for the reafons given in the two for-