Tè the Chriftian 'Reader. aimedat ; and ifGod have any glory by it, have reached the greateft endwhich canbe aim- edat. And though the world,fhouldbefound to havemany defe5ls, po f bly nri flakes, in it, yet the ingenuous Reader will candidly interpret them, or charitably cover them, knowing that failings are common to humane frailty, in the belt of men, how much more in the meanift of them"! And I(hall account it agreat kindnefs, if I may be friendly minded of thefe defeas; that fo, if ever any of thefe Pieces (hallbe ad- mitted to come out again, an amendment may bemade, and the Workgrow up to more perfe- 1ion. This le Part, now coming forth, contains the whole tranfallion ( from firfi to !aft) be- tween God and Job , none fpeaking but they two, and Job but very little. Elihu havingfi- ni t hisfpeech in the clofe of the thirtyfeventb Chapter, the Lord ',Unfelt appeared at the en- trance of the thirty eighth, in a Majeftick and tremendous manner, befpeaking Job out of a vehement and tempefluouswhirlwind ; and tak- ingup thefame argument which Elihu bad fo much infiftedupon before, for the conviEliouof Job, carrieth him in difcourfe, quite through the univerfe thereby farther to convince him , by the